The Easy Way to Write Newsletter You are receiving this email because you were wise enough to buy a copy of The Easy Way to Write a Novel.?If you no longer wish to receive this valuable resource, see below. In this issue: 1. The Editor’s Desk. 2. Article Dear Fellow Writer They say it’s your decisions that affect your destiny, so try to make good and positive ones always. Like committing yourself to a little more writing every day, until you become prolific enough to consider doing it for a living! It’s not impossible. Some of my students have recently written great novels that I have high hopes for. So, if you haven’t started yours yet?what’s stopping you? This issue's featured professional also has something important to say about getting down to work in her article for this newsletter. As always, contact me for any reason at: FEEDBACK Thanks to everyone who complimented my last article “On Becoming a Writer? I appreciate your support! Writing from the Heart Many writers tell me they have difficulty expressing themselves honestly, whether in their fiction or, more especially, when writing about themselves. For some reason, writers feel that it makes them more vulnerable or somehow weak to write ?i.e. make public - how they truly feel. They are ashamed of bad thoughts or embarrassing actions they’d rather forget. This is a shame because it’s honesty that can not only add verity to a piece of fiction but, contradictorily, can endear you reader to you in a way that you can’t achieve by faking it or leaving crucial information out of your most intimate descriptions. Learn to open your heart, especially in your first drafts ?you can always cut things out later. It’s important because you not only add that little something extra to your writing, but interestingly, you can often feel better about yourself afterwards! If you’re nervous about it, try keeping a secret diary where you write down your most evil and negative thoughts. This might seem strange at first, but it can also be quite liberating. You should find that you’re left feeling lighter and can more easily concentrate on being positive and giving in your life. A friend of mine once told me he spent the first ten minutes of every writing session scribbling down the most disgusting pornography he could think of. He said it cleared his mind for writing proper! And he’s the successful author of several Fantasy novels! I’m not suggesting you go this far but I know that when I’ve written out bad things that have happened to me, or that I have done, I feel better. There’s a cathartic element to offloading unnecessary baggage that might be subconsciously clogging creative processes. Go on, take a chance. Write down the most terrible thing you’ve ever done. Include everything. How you felt. Why you did it. Describe the physical sensations you experienced before, during and since. You don’t have to show it to anyone. I did this exercise once and handed the result to a friend. He said it brought tears to his eyes. He said he understood what I’d been through ?how awful I’d felt. Most of all, he was grateful for the courage I’d shown in letting him read it ?giving him access to my deepest shame. I was very surprised and profoundly moved. Plus I’d been finally able to let go of something that had troubled me for years. Try it yourself. You might be surprised at the result too. ?2004 robparnell I hope you’ve enjoyed this newsletter and gained some valuable information on your quest for writing success. STOP PRESS: If you’ve ever had a hankering to put together a “Writing How To?Book (or perhaps you’ve already written one!) then The Easy Way to Write could be interested in publishing it for you. We’ll take care of all the editing, publishing and marketing AND pay you a hefty 50% royalties. If you’re at all interested, or maybe just have some ideas, please contact me at: Best wishes and keep writing! robparnell Author and Freelance Writer ==================================== PS: In case you need reassuring, I never give away email addresses to anyone, ever. Ciao