July / Aug 1994

6245 Bristol Parkway, Suite 275
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 822-5771
World Wide Web Site:


From: Culver City, California
      Monday, 11:45 A.M.

Dear Friend,

A college girlfriend once said to me:"Ross, if you throw enough 
shit around, some's bound to stick somewhere!".

Well, she was about as beautiful as she was elegant(translation: 
she was butt-ugly, but back then I just couldn't do any better!). 
But actually, she was right.

So today, I want to talk about how you can generate lots of prospects 
by being able to meet women ANYWHERE.

Now besides the more obvious reasons, there's another one that's 
very important,especially for you recovering "nice guys".

You see, often when I do a radio talk show, I get a call from some 
poor schmuch who's really getting the run around from a woman. 
She's treating him like crap, he's getting nowhere and..


I hope you've never found yourself in a similiar situation.

Anyway, invariably when they ask me what they should do to win 
the bit..., uh, girl, over, I ask them a question that really 
makes them think.  What I ask them is, 

"If you knew you could go out tomorrow,and meet 10 women that 
are far hotter and much more interested in you than this one, 
would you put up with all her crap?".

Of course, 10 times out of 10 there answer is, "HELL NO!".

That's why being able to meet lots of women is so important.  
It insures that you don't slip back into old "nice guy" ways 
and come off as being too hungry.  Because when your options 
are limited then you make the few options you do have way too 
important.  And, in any area of life, whether it be sex, love 
or business, if your choices are limited, and you make the few 
you do have too important........


So now that I've got you convinced, let's move on to some meat.  
Let me start by talking about the very best places to meet women.  
Places where women are friendly.  Places where women are 
jammed-packed.  Places where women aren't on guard and where 
you'll spend no money whatsoever to meet them.  

Just what are these magic places?  Any place where women go to...


Yup.  I'm talking about gourmet ice-cream shops, gourmet cookie 
places, and especially, especially, gourmet coffee outlets!!

You see, women have this thing about pleasing their mouths 
and taste buds(it's a well known fact that 80% of the people 
who suffer from eating disorders are female) and any place 
that caters to this hankering of theirs is where you'll find 
them gathering.

Let me give you an example:  here in the Los Angeles area 
we have two major gourment coffee places: the Coffee Bean 
and The Tea Leaf, and Starbucks.  Both of these places are 
JAM-PACKED (or should I say gunch-packed?)with some of the 
best looking beaver I have ever seen.

They are JAM-PACKED in the morning when these babes need 
their wake-up rush before going to work.  

They are JAM-PACKED at lunch time when they get their 
after-lunch cup of coffee.

They are JAM-PACKED from 5 to 6:30 in the afternoon as the 
babes either have another cup or are buying coffee to brew at home.

What's that you say?  That's not enough for you?  Well, how 
about this:  from 7P.M. to around 1 am the coffee places that 
are located near college campuses are....


Now, think back a minute to when YOU were in college.  Did you 
enjoy studying?  Did you like cramming?  Or would you welcome 
virtually any opportunity to put the damn book down and do 
something more fun, like talk to an interesting, mesmerizing 

Here's  another cool thing about these "coffee-houses": they 
often have amateur "poetry reading" nights, where anyone(that 
means you, Buckwheat!) can get up and read a few lines.  

Of course, I wouldn't leave you hanging out there, expecting 
you to make up any old poem.  So here is a great Ross Jeffries 
get laid poem that you can read, and I guarantee the babes will 
want to fuck you, because it's filled with all sorts of hypnotic 
catch phrases and hidden commands to get them all hot and horny
(much much more about this in my "Secrets Of Speed Seduction Tape 
Series" and the book by the same name that I've just finished). 
Here's the poem, and I hope you've got the balls to go for it!!

Fascination:  By Ross Jeffries

Have you ever been fascinated
by someone who's words just seemed to 

and you can't look away
and the more that you try
the more that GAZE STAYS

where you want it to be
cause you know that there's something
you just have to see

what would it feel like

A spell,  mmm so magic
being spun by the sound
of a voice whose rich warmth
was spreading on down

Have you ever experienced
To the point where your thoughts moved in 
Just one direction?

People sometimes ask,
"Please...just a kiss!"
Funny how you find yourself

Your mind is amazing 
when you really

As the warmth of that voice
takes on a glow
Spreading and pulsing 
where you want it to go

I will tell you all you desire...

ME...I know.

You step out of what was
Invited, slipped inside
Feels like warm rain
Between your sighs

And it's not important
that you find
every inhibition
is left far behind

As you recall how it feels
And you SEE THAT IMAGE of us
(point to it)
Up above

You see at last
who  you've finally found
what you've looked for
and longed for
has finally COME round

(By the way, if you don't have the balls to read this out loud, 
you can always send it in a "love letter" to some girl you really 
want.  It even makes for a good response to a personal ad.  Aren't 
I a genius?)

Ok.  While coffee places are my favorites, because of their all 
around great hours, don't discount places like ice-cream or 
yogurt places.  These are best around lunch hour.

Another good lunch hour spot is any type of trendy health food 
restaurant.  Not only are these places a virtual snatch magnet, 
but some of these women really take care of their bodies and are 
enough to cause a meat eater like me to actually gag down a sprout 
sandwich, just to get a chance to scam on their wondrous selves. 


Well, if you want to waste you're money, go ahead.  Women in 
these places are far more "uptight", far more likely to be very 
picky about who'll they'll talk to, and plus you'll probably 
have to spend some money to get in or stay in.


Are you into metaphysics?  Do you believe in astrology? 
Astral projection?  ESP?  Tarot cards?  What's that you say? 
You think it's all a bunch of crap?

Well, so do I.  But guess what?   Women eat this stuff up like 
candy, so I PRETEND to be interested in all of it!!!

Of course, my favorite gimmick of gimmicks is analyzing a chick's 
handwriting.  Do I have any training in this field?  Have I even 
read a single book on the subject?


But of course, just by coincidence, we carry the good old 
Grapho-Deck, the world's best gimmick for picking up women, 
right in the Ross Jeffries Catalog.

All you need to do is walk into any bar or party with it, and corral 
the first girl you see.  Just walk up and say, 	"Excuse me, I know 
this might sound a little odd, but do you handwrite or do you print?".

After she stares at you like a bug for a second, she'll say, "Both.  

You say, "Well, I got this neat little deck of cards from a friend, 
and they're supposed to let you analyze a person's writing.  
I've tried it a few times and it really worked, and you looked 
like a fun person to break the ice with.  Want to give it a go?".

Almost always you'll hear yes, and the neat thing is other girls 
will be watching and then they'll come up to you and ask if you'll, 
"Do me!  Do me!".

I'm serious, it's that easy.

Pick-Up Lines Made Easy:

The key to any good pick-up line is to get a woman's attention 
and make her laugh. To that end, I try as best as possible to 
be unconventional in my approach. (To find an unconventional 
woman, use an unconventional approach!)   Let me give just a 
few of my favorites:

1. (Delivered rapid-fire fast!) Hi! Do you have a 
boyfriend? Would you like a better one? Answer the second 
question first!

2. (To a woman in a tight outfit at a party or bar!) Hi! That's 
a great outfit you're almost wearing!

3.(Also to a woman in a tight outfit at a party or bar!) Hi! 
You know, if I were a girl, and I looked as good as you do, 
I'd look at myself in the mirror all day long til I worked up 
the courage to ask myself out!  Speaking of which, 
my name is:..................

4. (To woman with great legs in any situation!)  Excuse, but 
I just wanted to tell you, if God made anything nicer than your 
legs,(or smile!) he's saving it for himself! 
My name is...............!

5. (To a pretty woman, anywhere!) Hi, has anyone ever told 
you you're a shining example of genetic perfection?

6. (The shy, sincere approach) Excuse me! I'm sorry to 
interrupt you here but I really wanted to meet you and I'm 
willing to make a total fool of myself to do it! 
My name is..........!

Ok? Those are great for a starter!  We'll continue on this 
topic in future issues, and please feel free to send in 
your own!

Reader's Mail:

Dear Ross Jeffries:

What is your recommendation for a person that is willing 
to give you their name and phone number but then has an 
excuse every time you want to ask them out? Also, what 
about those broads who don't have the decency to cancel 
a date, they just plain out and out fake it and then don't 
show up?

J. N.
San Leandro, CA

Dear JN:
Sounds to me that this girl is seriously gun-shy. You didn't tell 
me her age, but I'll bet she's quite young as well.  If you sense 
that she isn't teasing and is just fearful, you just need to ask 
her about it, calmly, without getting mad.  Just say something 
like, "Let me ask you something.  If I had a magic wand, and I 
could wave it and make anything we wanted to disappear, what would 
have to disappear in order for you to feel comfortable going out 
with me?".  

If after all that you don't get a date or a favorable response, 
move on! Never ask a girl out more than three times: she either 
just isn't interested in you or is so fucked up in her current 
situation that she's not worth a flip anyway!

Dear Ross,

Thanks so much for coming up with the idea for the newsletter! 
It's brilliant and I've put all my horny buds on your mailing 
list.  I've been putting your ideas into action and am amazed 
how well they work, especially with beautiful women.

Could you please, in a future issue, talk a bit about how to 
break up with a woman?  Simply dumping them is pretty awful 
all the way around. I'd be interested in finding out how to 
keep things open for later reconcilement as well as taking the 
option of dusting her off for good.

A tip I'd like to pass on to my fellow c**t hounds: The first 
piece of clothing to take off her is her shoes!  This is 
non-threatening to her, easy to accomplish, and it always works!

Matt M.
Greensboro, N.C.

Dear Matt,

Thanks for the disrobing tip!  I prefer to take her top off 
first, cause I like seeing titties better than feet, but to 
each his own!

As to your question:  geez, my expertise is in getting 
them, not dumping them!  I usually just say, "Hey, it isn't 
there any more, for me! But I still care deeply for you...
AS A FRIEND!"  Ha! Isn't turn about always fair play?

Any suggestions for Matt from you readers out there?


Hey Ross!

Thanks loads for your seduction manual. I have made good use 
of your ideas and suggestions; but that's not why I'm writing you.

Could you please suggest some books, methods, ideas and 
techniques on hypnosis/self-hypnosis?  I'd really like to 
learn more.

Brooks E.
Philladephia, PA

Hey Brooks!

Thanks for the compliments; keep sending 'em cause we love 
'em!  As for books, tapes, etc. on hypnosis, well, we've got 
the HPP tapes by Lloyd Glauberman which are an excellent 
introduction into experiencing trance.  If you'd like to learn 
more about how to DO hypnosis to others, or how it works, you 
could try the following books:

1. Monsters and Magical Sticks: There's No Such Thing As 
Hypnosis by Steven Heller.

2. Trance-Formations by John Grinder and Richard Bandler

You can order these from almost any psychology or New Age 
bookstore; sorry, we don't carry 'em.

If you really want to learn about how to do hypnosis on others, 
call my good friend and teacher Kenrick Cleveland, at 
(206) 696-5299. Tell him I sent you.

Ross' Plug Corner:

Guess what? It's here! It's ready! My brand new book that 
I've been working on for years: Secrets Of Speed Seduction: 
How To Create An Instantaneous Sexual Attraction In Any Woman 
You Meet!  I've actually created an entire home study course, 
and we're working on a video(one in a series) to go with it! 
Rather than plug any more, just check out the back page of this 
issue for more info/hype!  

Peace and piece,


P.S. It looks like I'll also be hitting the T.V. talk show circuit 
all over again to promote this new book, so be sure to keep in touch 
with us so I can let you know of upcoming appearances. And, who knows; 
maybe you can even be in the studio audience to cheer me on, 
so I won't have to face the same old lynch mob of howling, 
neo-feminist geekoids!

P.P.P.S. Anyone out there know anything about marketing via 
computers, BBS's, the Inter-Net, or pay services like America 
On Line, Compu-Serve,etc? Anyone have any ideas how I can get 
this newsletter posted electronically to these services?  If so 
I'd love to talk to you. My number is (310) 822-5771.