Sept / Oct 1994

6245 Bristol Parkway, Suite 275
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 822-5771
World Wide Web Site:

How To Use Princples of Power,Marketing and Persuasion To Get Laid Like Crazy Every Day!

From: Culver City, CA
      Saturday, 7:05 P.M.

Dear Friend and Subscriber,

The other day my good buddy and long time pal David S. called 
me for the second time this week to tell me what an incredible 
genius I am.(He's using my "Speed Seduction" methods on an 
unbelievably beautiful, sex crazed young woman who is making 
his divorce a MUCH more pleasant experience.)

"Ross", he says. "You are an incredible genius!".

Now of course, when it comes to terms like "genius" and 
"incredible genius" I'd be the last person to deny it! But 
one of my most important and effective strategies for being 
innovative and creative(which is a large part of genius, 
I think) is the ability to take information from one area of 
life, like martial arts and apply it in another area, like 
getting laid, that previously no one ever thought to link 

In this issue, I'd like to share with you some very powerful 
lessons I've learned from the science of marketing, lessons 
that will not only supercharge your love life but empower and 
improve your life in general.  I firmly believe there is NO 
area of life where principles of marketing cannot be applied 
and be of enormous benefit).

The first rule of marketing that you should be applying in your 
love life is this:


Now listen: this principle is CRITICALLY important, because 
what it does is switch you from a "hungry" to a "selective" 
mindset!! If there's one thing you could do to improve your 
attractiveness to women it's to set standards for yourself 
and what you're looking for and WALK FROM ANY WOMAN WHO DOESN'T 

Let me give you an illustration of this principle in action. 
Recently, just for kicks, I joined a local voice mail phone 
dating service.  I'll spare you the technical details except 
to say the way it works is you post your voice mail ad telling 
women who you are, what you are looking for,etc and women can 
call in and respond to your ad.  Or, you can call the system 
and listen to the women's ads and respond privately to them.

Just for kicks, I decided I'd apply this marketing principle 
to see how well it works.  So the first ad I posted was 
basically a cute little "Mission Impossible" one minute phone 
drama. The women would call, hear the theme music from Mission 
Impossible(it's on a CD called T.V. Tunes!!) and hear a brief 
description about me.

Now, I got a good number of responses, but the problem was 
THE WOMEN WEREN'T QUALIFIED! Because I didn't tell them much 
but was amusing they called outta curiosity but..but..but....


That's right, Buckwheat. Plenty of women will call these 
phone lines(they don't charge women but they DO charge us 
guys to join...doesn't that suck?) cause they are bored and 
looking for a cute, fun way to waste guy's time and have a 
little fun, unlike the "real" world where women are ALWAYS 
serious customers.  Right.

But guess what?  Then I decided to be a little(actually a lot!) 
more picky, take a "this is who I am and get lost if you aren't 
interested attitude!".  My message was something like this: 

"Hi ladies. I like jumping rope in the nude, taunting barnyard 
animals, and doing whatever Mommy tells me.  Aren't you sick of 
these boring, stupid messages that guys leave on this system

Well, I won't waste your time with that. I'll just say my name is 
Ross, and I'm looking for a lady with a great sense of humor who 
loves to laugh and who is ready for first class treatement.  A bit 
about me: I'm 6 ft, 170, tall and thin, so if you need a guy with 
big thick muscles, hang up now! 

I'm handsome but I'm not pretty...if you need a pretty boy, someone 
you can make up to look like a girl, hit that hang up button!  
I'm Jewish looking...people say I look like Harold Ramis from 
Ghostbusters, so if you need a surfer type, hang it up!! Finally, 
I'm looking for a woman who is ready for first class treatment so 
if you're looking for a jerk, hang up please cause I'm not into 
that(Ha! What a great liar I am, huh?)

Anyway, I got tons of responses to this ad, and the women were 
MUCH MORE QUALIFIED! Why? Cause I told 'em who and what I was
(with some fibbing!) and those who weren't interested HUNG UP 
WITHOUT WASTING MY TIME! And those who DID leave messages were 
incredibly impressed with my "direct, this is who I am, do you 
want it or not attitude!".

Now, I'm not suggesting you take voice mail dating too 
seriously, although it IS an excellent and safe way to 
practice your "Speed Seduction" language patterns.(What's 
that you say: you HAVEN'T ordered by new book or home study 
course yet? Whattya waiting for pal....Christmas????)  I'm 
suggesting that you take this principle of "this is me, take 
it or leave it" instead of "please, please everybody...approve 
of me!!!" out into the world and.....


You most especially need to do this if you think you have some 
major "appearance flaw" that's been holding you back. This 
attitude is INCREDIBLY sexy, powerful and influential, primarily 
because we live in a society of cowardly sheep who are trained 
to conform and go unquestioningly along with ANYONE who displays 
the slightest authoritative attitude or air. Temper this with a 
sense of humor so you don't come off as a TOTAL asshole and you 
can write your own ticket in life!!!  Women who might otherwise 
reject because of that "flaw" will now view it as part of your 
intricate, sexy, complex personality and may even, in time, come 
to view that "ugliness" as "character"!!! Ha! Nutso, aren't they?  
I certainly could never see flabby, droopy tits on a woman as 
having "character" but I guess that's the wonder of the female 
mind, huh?

The next marketing principle I'd like you to absorb is this: 

Look: it's sure important to never look hungry and to use the 
first marketing principle I've explained. But even so, sometimes 
women are going to be hesistant and will procrastinate. You've 
got to be prepared for this and have ways to handle it  and not 
let it throw your game cause if you can combine this preparation 
with the "not hungry" attitude, you'll kick ass like you 
wouldn't believe!(Again this applies in ANY area..not just 
getting Winky wet!).

Now, it's not hard to see why your "prospect" might 
procrastinate. Just look at how frantic modern life is. 
Between working her little ass off to pay the bills, doing 
errands, chatting with "the girls", going to the gym, etc., 
many women don't even have time to piss! The solutions to this 
of course are to use my "Speed Seduction" methods(plug, plug, 
plug)to make an IMMEDIATE powerful impact, and also to be prepared 
for some procrastination on her part nonetheless.

I guess this can be summed up by in the words of the great 
basketball coach John Wooden who used to tell his players, "Be 
quick, but don't hurry!".

Next principle is:


Especially with women who are excellent excuse makers and 
bamboozlers. The ONLY real key to a prospect's being qualified 

If, for example, you were selling cars, and every weekend for 
6 months the same "customer" came around, looking at the same 
model of car and telling you they really wanted to buy, but 
they NEVER SIGNED A CONTRACT, you'd tell that customer to take 
a walk!!!

Now, a good corollary of this is:


One of the primary differences between "jerks" and "nice guys" 
is what they focus on.  The jerk is first and foremost focused 
on how he is being treated and each move he makes is put through 
the test: "will this increase or decrease the priority she gives 
me?".  If the answer is decrease.....


Nice guys,(chronic masturbators)by way of contrast, focus on 
the characteristics they like in the girl. They ignore or 
overlook rude behavior from her.  They act to show their 
appreciation and interest in her rather than to get respect 
which is why, like Rodney Dangerfield....


If you'll just change the focus of what you look at and aim 
for and don't do anything else, this alone will dramatically 
increase your success with the split-tails.

The Mail Bag	

Dear Ross,

I want you to now that I have seen you being grilled on stage 
by the Heinz 57 variety of pseudo-intellectual talk show hosts 
along with their hand picked bunch of man bashing, pro-feminist 
idiots.  I for one can testify to the fact that you have a right 
to be confident because you know what the hell you are 
talking about.

I have used your techniques to get laid, to combat the 
telephone games and silly mind games that women instinctively 
play in order to gain control. I let my new girlfriend know 
that there will be no games and that she can never control me 
and ever time she tried, she faced losing me and gave up. This 
is the exciting part.  She admitted to me that she has had many 
boy friends and they were wimps, they put up with her shit, and 
she did not respect them and moved on to someone who would give 
EVERYTHING A GIRL WOULD WANT, except a back bone. This woman 
adores me, not because I am a hunk(because I am not), not because 
I am rich(because I am not) but because I know what I want, I go 
after it, and I don't put up with any shit! So there is no shit 
and a life without shit is better for both of us. Now there are 
two people who respect and love girlfriend and best of all 

Pat McMillen
Crestline, CA

Dear Pat,

Wow! Preach on, brother! This is the birthright and destiny of 
any man who is willing to stand up for himself and take control 
of his affairs.  I'm proud of you and a hearty, "well done!".  

Hello Ross,

Greetings and Salutations, O Guru and Savior of the solo 
bedtime guy.

I am 35 and in a relationship with a 29 year old woman, the 
only woman with whom I've had a serious relationship. I met 
her when I was 29. She chased me.  I wasn't interested.  If 
she hadn't, going by my past track record, I would be still 
be in a position of repeating the mistakes I was making with 

I wish I had had your book when i was 14 or 15 years old.  
What a different life I would have had. Somewhere during our 
youth our parents or somebody does a snow job on most of us 
guys and it takes years to realize through mistakes what makes 
a woman tick.

I had been sucked in at some stage into believing that what 
a woman said was exactly what she meant.

It used to bug me when I'd see a good looking woman on the 
arm of a guy I knew wasn't worthy of her. Now I realize 
what these guys knew how to do and I didn't.

Keith D.
Victoria, Australia

P.S. I like the way you write.  It seems it is the way you speak. 
You call a spade a spade and don't talk like a college educated, 
dictionary for a brain, verbal diahrrea speaking person with 
letters after their name!

P.P.S I have a new attitude toward women: I DON'T TAKE SHIT 
FROM SHEILAS(sheila is an Aussie word for woman!)

Dear Keith,

Wow! What a touching letter from a fan down under!(How come 
you guys don't fall off into space when you're eating a girl 
out? Is is suction or gravity that keeps you in place?)

If I've said it once, I've said it a million-jillion times: 
FRIGGIN' DOES!! Behavior IS the highest quality information.

Yes, mom, dad, school and society in general sure does a good 
brainwash(though for some it's just a light drizzle) on the 
subject of women, pounding it in to our suggestive little 
young minds to be "gentlemen" "nice" "polite" and the dumbest 
one of all: just be yourself.  Right.  Honestly anyone who tries 
to spread this crap should be horsewhipped and locked away, 
honestly hanging is too good for them!

Now, I would certainly encourage you to get a little "side 
action" going with regard to your girlfriend. Don't let these 
new tools go to waste! more thing. It's "Great and Mighty Guru and Savior", ok?


First of all, let me say that the "Speed Seductoin" tapes 
are excellent! Your treatment of the persuasive side of 
NLP was far superior to the coverage of these same patterns 
in my NLP trainings.

Are you considering doing a similar tape set of persuasion 
in sales? What about a tape series on time distortion?

Finally, is there anything in the new Speed Seduction book 
that isn't already in the Speed Seduction tapes?

Hugh T.
(Address unknown to me cause Yates didn't foward it to me with 
Hugh's letter! Damnit..don't make me kick your ass, Yates!)

Dear Hugh,

If there's one thing I can't stand it's a letter that not 
only  helps me shamelessly  plug my current stuff but asks 
if I've got anything new coming! Ten demerits, bud.

To answer your questions:

1. No, I'm not currently planing to do a series on sales 
applications, but ALL of the principles apply and MANY students 
report results in these other areas.

2. I am planning on doing a video on using time distortion 
patterns to make women fall madly in love with you on the 
spot! Will be ready in a month or so.

3. Geez, does this ever seem like a set up letter, but I 
swear it's real. The Book/Workbook contains structured 
exercises and in-depth explanations of the patterns given 
out on the tapes, plus it gives every pattern word for word, 
plus a few that aren't even on the tapes. You should get 


What you say about women makes a lot of sense. Have you ever 
heard of an 18th Century English novel by Samuel Richrdson 
called Clarissa? The hero of the book, Lovelace, makes many 
of the same points you do.

Also, I know a beautiful babe who says that she met her husband 
when he approached her at a party and said, "you really thing 
you're hot stuff, don't you?"  She says that her immediate 
reaction was, "what a JERK!" But, interestingly, she ended up 
marrying him-yet more evidence that being a jerk pays!

Your fan
Ed Yarborough
Grass Valley, CA

Dear Ed,

Well, it's probably more accurate to say that interrupting a 
person's expected pattern and approaching/treating them 
different to what they are used to pays. Obviously this girl 
was used to having her ass licked instead of kicked!

With regard to your English novel: Lovelace? A guy named Lovelace 
could get laid? It's gotta be fiction!
Any of you out there in reader land want me to carry this one in 
the next edition of my catalog?

Pick-Up Line Of The Month

Of course, this one comes from yours truly, good old Ross. I was 
in the Marina, and I spotted two GORGEOUS women sitting in a 
BMW convertible, talking to some older guy. So I strolled up 
to them and said, 

"Excuse me. Could I use your car phone?"

To which they replied, "Are you serious?"

To which I answered, "Yeah. I gotta phone heaven and tell them 
I found the missing angels!".

God I'm slick, aren't I?

Ross's Plug Corner

You boys have been bugging me for MONTHS now about when I'm 
gonna do another "Speed Seduction" weekend seminar. Well, 
bug me enough and it works: we'll be doing a bang-up, 
Grand-daddy of get laid, 3 DAY SUPER-SEMINAR October 21,22 
and 23rd,  here in the L.A. area!  It's gonna be a can't 
miss event with my latest breakthroughs, top students 
revealing their new secrets and my own teacher, Kenrick 
Cleveland, co-teaching an afternoon of super-seduction patterns. 
Plus individual hot seats where me and my top students work out 
immediate solutions, right then and there to ANY get laid/dating 
problems or challenges you might be having. 

The first 25 people who pre-enroll will get a special discount 
so you might want to PICK UP the phone and CALL YATES RIGHT 
NOW at (703)791-6421.								

Peace and piece,


P.S. I am pissed that you guys aren't writing enough letters 
to me. This newsletter will only work if YOU contribute. 
Don't make me come over there and kick your ass, Beavis!

PPS:If you want to hear secrets from my "Speed Seduction" book 
and course call 1-900-988-6666, $2.00/minute, touch tone phone 
only, must be 18!

PPPS: I thought some of you might want to order either your 
Delux or Basic Speed Seduction Home Study Course, so I've 
enclosed a green order form along with this issue of the 

PPPPS: Order the Basic or Delux Course and we'll renew your 
Get Laid Newsletter Subscription for another year, FREE, a 
$39.95 value!!

PPPPPS: For you masochists who want to try voice mail dating, 
I've included the chart on the next page to assist you in 
dealing with what you are likely to encounter....

Female Voice Dating Self-Description Translation Chart

When She Says:			It Really Means:

Pleasingly built....		Fat

Curvy...			F-A-T, FAT!

Full-figured....		Amazingly fat!!

Heavy...........		Mind-blowingly fat!!

Rubinesque..			Fat beyond description!!!!

Large......			Readings are off the scale 
				Captain, we have not encountered
 				this phenomena before!!

Overweight.....			BLARFF!! Gag!!! 								Jenny Craig would 								run and hide!!!

PPPPPPS: Hey, if you are on the Internet,there is a raging 
discussion/flame war going on in about yours 
truly, Ross Jeffries! Jump in there and post,willya?(If you 
want to send me E-mail or otherwise electronically correspond, 
for the time being anyway you can reach me at  
E-mail always gets here and always gets answered first and 
promptly!!!) And, you net junkies, get ready, cause we're 
gonna start! Yahoo! Pissing off people 
world wide...YEAH!!!!