Nov / Dec 1994

6245 Bristol Parkway, Suite 275
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 822-5771
World Wide Web Site:

Persuasion Power For Pounding Pussy!

From: Culver City, CA
      Wednesday, 12:30 P.M.

Dear Friend and Subscriber,

What I'm about to tell you today is so profoundly important 
that it could not only dramatically change your life with women 
but every other area as well.

Listen: as I've said before there are basically just 4 types of power 
in the world. These are:

1. Money. Let's face it; if you're Bill Gates, with 8 billion bucks 
in your checking account, you've got some major clout. I don't just 
mean with women either; that kinda cash buys you lots of attention 
and co-operation.

2. Physical beauty. Uh-huh. No question about it; especially if you 
are a beautiful young woman, your power in our society is enormous. 
A 19 year old babe with a Penthouse body has the same power as a guy 
who's worked most of his adult life to build up his fortune.

3. Violence/force.  Sad to say, the ability/willingness to use 
force to achieve your goals is very much in evidence in our world, 
and more and more members of society seem to be turning to this.

4. Persuasion.  Ah-hah. Although there are plenty of examples of 
folks in the first 3 categories, how many people do you know who 
have mastered this art? The cool thing is, if you do master 
persuasion you can...


That's right, Cedric. If you know how to persuade, you can talk
that wealthy person out of their money, get that beautiful person 
to share their body with you, can command those violent folks to 
either turn their guns on each other or go after whoever you want 
out of the way.

Now, I'm NOT suggesting you do any of these things. I'm simply
pointing out the possibilities.

So, having gotten you all hot on the idea, let's go to a very
exciting persuasion skill, that I call...


(By the way, those of you who are students of my Speed Seduction
methods will recognize some of this. Those of you who attended my 3-day
seminar this October heard me spend an afternoon on this.  Those of 
you who haven't yet purchased your Speed Seduction Home Study Course 
or who previously weren't planning to attend our next seminar in 
January might begin to recognize now just how much you are missing!)

The first key to understanding Thought Binding is to recognize that
people are basically hypnosis machines. If you tell their minds in what
direction to move will absolutely DO IT EVERYTIME because people are not
use to hearing these kinds of instructions.  People are used to hearing
babbling about content, in other words, reasons, data and facts, and that
kind of stuff they can, do and WILL resist. But binding the direction of
their thoughts?  NEVER!

Let me give you an example. Suppose their is some very nice young bimbo
you want to impress. You could tell her lots of stuff about you. Ya know,
say something dumb like:

"Well lots of women like me because I'm smart and funny and make good
money, but other's find it's my honesty and looks that they are attracted

Yeah. Right. Well, problem is, you are tossing those facts, reasons and
info at her, and like as not, she's heard this a zillion times before and
isn't gonna buy it. If you must use an approach like this, why not bind 
thedirection of her thoughts first?  You'd do it like this:

"Hey, did you ever meet someone, and just instantly know that you had to
get to know this person better?(Point to yourself) Maybe as went inside and
really got all excited about how much fun it'd be to get to know them and
how curious and intrigued you were feeling?

do you first imagine how much fun they'd be to hang out with, and then get
intrigued, or do you get intrigued first and then imagine how much fun this
person would be?(Pointing to yourself!).

Now, what are you doing here? You're setting up a mood and state of mind
that's going to make her alot more receptive by:

1. Having her recall what it's like to be in the mood you want her
in.(Setting up the thought direction)

2. Giving her a command to STAY IN THAT MOOD WHILE SHE TALKS WITH YOU by
using the phrase "as you remember those feelings as we're talking".(Binding
the thought direction)

You've now set her up to be MUCH MORE RECEPTIVE to any "facts" about
yourself you want to throw because you've set up and BOUND the direction of
her thinking and emotional processes. From here on out, unless you are very
stupid, she's dead meat.

And the beauty is THEY NEVER CATCH IT, cause they aren't used to hearing
it or looking for it.  They just know they find you mesmerizing,
hypnotically fascinating and irresistibly attractive.

Notice also that we end by asking them about the order in which they did
the process. That's to further mask the fact that we are giving commands by
making it seem like the only reason we brought it up in the first place is
we we're genuinely interested in learning about them! Ha! Are we sneaks, or

Can this work for sales? Can it work for any form of persuasion? YOU BET!

By the way, the phrase "AS YOU REMEMBER" what we call a
pre-supposition.  A pre-supposition is just anything that HAS to be 
ASSUMED to be true in order for the sentence to make sense and be 

Thus, with "AS YOU REMEMBER",the presupposition is that they WILL 

Slick, isn't it?

Are their plenty of other ways to use presuppositions to get what you
want from the beaver brigade by binding the direction of their thoughts?
But of course, loyal reader, but of course. Would good old Ross 
disappoint you? But before I get on to that, let me give you the 
second basic principle which is:

2. Every decision people make is based in and dependent on their state 
of mind. If you don't like their decision, change their state of mind 
before you try to change the decision.

Now, kids instinctively know this. If a kid wants a toy, does he
ask when Mom or Dad are in a sour, bitter, rejecting mood? Nope, he 
watches his folks like a hawk for the moment they are in a "up" 
mood and then he pounces, gets their agreement and then makes 'em 
get up and execute the agreement right away!

We as adults, however, are not quite as bright. We just go for what
we want regardless of the state the other person is in, and if what 
we do doesn't work, do we try to change their state or wait till 
another time when their state is different? Nope, usually we just do 
the same thing again, but we do it....


So the key here, is to set up the right state using some of the
thought binding techniques we've discussed, but also to recognize, 
that if you're getting resistance from a woman in the form of broken 
dates, calls promised but not made, etc., you need to back up and 
ask yourself the following questions:

1. Hmmm. What state of mind is she in right now with regard to me?

2. What's the final state I want her in?

3. How can I have fun transitioning her to the state I want her to 
be in when I pounce?

You can think of this as building a chain of states, with the state
she's currently in as the first link, and the final state you want 
her in as the dog collar that's gonna go 'round her neck!

So let's say she, for whatever reason, is in a state of
INDIFFERENCE about going out with you.  And let's say the final 
state you want her in is DROOLING, CHOMPING AT THE BIT DESIRE TO BE 

Bit of a gap, huh?

So what you need to do here is come up with a state in between as a
nice transition, like say, curiosity or intrigue, using some of our 
thought binding/pre-supposition techniques.

You could try something like this:

"You know, when we go out, I don't know whether it will be an 
incredibly exciting adventure or just a wonderfully fun time, but 
it sure is going to feel good to laugh alot, isn't it? When you 
think about it like that, are you aware of how much more it makes 
you really look forward to doing it?"

Now, that's LOADED with presuppositions. They are:

1. That we are GOING to go out.

2. That it's either going to be incredibly exciting or wonderfully fun.

3. That we are going to laugh alot.

4. That she's thinking about it like that.

5. That it DOES make her look forward to doing it(The only question 
is how aware of it she is and how much more it does it........This 
is a whole sub-class of "awareness" presuppositions, using words 
like "aware" "recognize" "know" "realize" etc.)

Now, does this sort thing work? YES! deliver it with a
smile and a laugh and say it like you MEAN it and expect that it's 
going to work!  See, you need to make your tonality and delivery 
convey that YOU presuppose a POSITIVE outcome for your entire 

So, the rule is to ALWAYS presuppose a positive outcome in your
communication and ALWAYS present a communication that forces her to
presuppose accepting AND(and this is a VERY important "and") 
ENJOYING IT! If you don't link fun and pleasure she's going to 
reject the entire communication!!! If you DO link pleasure and 
communication she won't resist cause she WON'T WANT TO!!!

As I'd say in my seminars, "Does that make sense?".

Now, another very simple and powerful way to thought bind is to use
a pattern my good friend and teacher Kenrick Cleveland calls "the 
more the more pattern".

A simple way to use this, in a pickup, is to get a woman laughing.
Once she laughs, call attention to it by saying something like,
"'re laughing. It feels good to laugh. And the more you 
laugh, the more you'll discover that you really want to go out with 

Now, it sounds too simple, but it works!  The more..the more
basically is saying that doing one thing causes you or makes you do
something else. Here's some other possible uses:

"The more you try to think of reasons why you can't, the more you 
realize just how much you can!"

"The more you laugh the more you recognize how much fun it would be to
spend time together, NOW. Do you want to have coffee, or would lunch 
work better?"

"The more you try to think of your boyfriend, the more you find 
yourself thinking of me."

Whew! Aren't those great? We'll be covering more on this in future
issues if you want.

Pick-Up Line Of The Month

Hey all you turds! You aren't contributing at all, so once again, I
have to come up with the best one. Actually, this is to be used when 
she's with a group of women and talking to her would be difficult 
or awkward. Simply get a card with your name and number on it. On 
the other side of the card, write this messages.

"Hi. I'm writing a book on angels, and have to interview one for 
my final chapter. Are you available for coffee or would lunch be 

( you see the presupposition/false choice we're giving her????)

Now come up with your own lines, using presupposition, damn it!

The Mail Bag

Dear Ross,

I attended your seminar last weekend, the first time I was exposed
to your materials and techniques. You'll be glad to know I've worked
diligently at absorbing, understanding and intergrating your methods. 
Has it paid off so far?

You said we were obligated to share our success stories, so I am
taking this break to reflect on the progress of JUST ONE WEEK. I 
honestly had more real connections with women during this week than 
I had in several months before.  I'm reporting that every technique 
can be applied and becomes more and more effortless to utilize. 
This week, I made "incredible" connections (and more) with women 
ranging in ages from 23 to 42, in height from 5'2" to 6' and from 
looks from average to exotic.

Some highlights:

The Teacher(married)-Just luck, I suppose, that the husband was out 
of town for the weekend. Within 15 minutes of being in her house she 
literally threw herself into my lap before she turned and asked me 
to unzip her dress.(Real improvement during the week, wouldn't you 
say?) You can picture how the rest of the afternoon was spent.

The Art Director-Young, very sexy, outgoing-like a smaller, younger 
Claudia Schiffer. It was easy enough to get under her skin (I can 
tell you the color of her panties), but I decided I wasn't going 
to snag her from her boyfriend due to a mutual friend.

The Medical Student-Secured a date with a single phone call. She 
"can't believe" the incredible connection between us either etc. 
etc. Date secure two days from now.

The Artist-Ah, now this is what I've been leading up to,the 
culmination of the first week. I've just got home from spending 
the night with this very tall(6')exotic, highly-intelligent 
artist/beauty. I went to that party knowing I would discover or 
create what I wanted. I laid out my foundations, sized up the 
competition, and made my choice. We let the party together and 
within 20 minutes of being in her apartment, I was safely hand-cuffed 
and tied to the bed.(Yes, it's true.) Hours of please and tease 
followed way past dawn. We, naturally, reversed roles later, and well, 
you can imagine the rest.  She had a hard time letting me go this 
morning-kept grabbing me and throwing me back into bed.

A week ago, I would not have been able to deal with obstacles or
resistance with such persuasive confidence. A week ago, I would 
not have found myself in a bathroom at a party being mercilessly 
stroked by a beautiful woman who couldn't keep her hands off me. 
The success caught me off-guard as the world is a different place 
for me now.

Jason S., 
Los Angeles, CA

Dear Jason,

Wow! Preach on, bro! I told all you guys at my seminar that I
wasn't kidding around with this "Speed Seduction" stuff. But what's 
this bullshit about letting that art director slide "because of a 
mutual friend"? Ten demerits unless you go back and fuck her, dude.

Ross' Plug Corner

Well, after a testimonial like that, whattya think I'd be plugging?

Look, if after reading a testimonial like that, plus seeing the
stuff I've revealed in this issue, you need any more persuading to 
ORDER YOUR HOME STUDY COURSE RIGHT NOW, then you are truly hopeless. 
So I'm not gonna say anymore, except that:

1. Come January 1st, I'm upping the price of the Delux and Basic Home 
Study Courses 20%. With the results people like Jason are reporting, 
I feel I'm getting underpaid. I shit you not: this is your last 
chance to buy at these prices.

2. There's a green order coupon enclosed with this issue. Order 
NOW! Don't be a dumb shit! 1995 is just a few weeks away and with 
these tools it can be the best year of your life or more of the 
same. It's truly up to you.

Peace and piece,


P.S. My new e-mail address is: E-mail always 
gets read and answered immediately. Plus we are working on our own 
Usenet discussion group and an FTP site.

P.P.S. We will be doing another 3 day Speed Seduction Seminar at 
the end of January. Call Yates for more info and expect a letter 
inviting you soon!