Jan / Feb 1995

6245 Bristol Parkway, Suite 275
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 822-5771
World Wide Web Site:

How To Induce A Hypnotic Trance In 3 Minutes Or Less And NEVER Get Caught!

From: Culver City, CA
      Tuesday, 12:30 P.M.

Dear Friend and Subscriber,

The other day I was reading a truly preposterous book on 
"classical hypnosis".  According to this book, very few people 
could actually "be hypnotized".  Even then, according to this 
book, it could only be performed by a highly trained, 
competent "professional hypnotist".

As you know by now, my opinion of these "academic" psychologists 
and hypnotists is lower than a midget's kneecaps. In fact, to 
take it a step further, let me give you Ross' rule #45:

Whenever An "Expert" or "Professional" Says Something "Can't" 
Be Done, What They Are Really Saying Is..


In fact, I would have to say that NOTHING impresses me less 
than a "professional" holding court. Most academics couldn't 
think their way out of a paper sack, much less get anything 
done in the real world.

So today, my faithful and loyal reader, I'm a gonna show 
you how to induce a hypnotic trance in VIRTUALLY anyone, 
in any situation.(Sorry, you won't JUST be able to attract 
the hottest women with this; you'll also be able to close 
impossible business deals, make tons of money, etc.  A shitty 
deal, but their you are.  Live with it.)  Along the way, I'm 
going to change your mind about just what constitutes hypnosis 

Some Basic Understandings About Hypnosis And When, Where And 
Why You Should Be Using It...

Contrary to popular belief(which, by the way, is almost always 
wrong on ANY subject) hypnosis does NOT give you any magical 
powers.  It does NOT enable you to do anything you normally 
couldn't. Nor does it require "animal magnetism" or "hypnotic 
eyes" or a "mystical voice".  

Nope nope nope nope and NO!

It's far more useful to think of hypnosis and the hypnotic 
state as a magnifier and an amplifier of what's already there.

An example to help clarify: remember when you were a budding 
little pyromaniac and liked setting things on fire by using a 
magnifying glass.  Now, there wasn't any inherent power in the 
glass.  The glass just amplified and focused the light and heat 
of the sun which was all around you anyway.

In the same way, a hypnotic state simply amplifies and 
focuses abilities and responses that are already there, 
as strange, even bizarre as they might at first seen.

For instance, take hypnotic deafness. If, in a trance state, 
I commanded you to hear nothing but my voice, and told you all 
others sounds would fade into silence, you'd think that would 
be pretty weird, right?

But in fact, this is something we do all the time, anyway. 
If you've ever been listening to a t.v. program, and your 
mind drifts off and three minutes later you realize you 
didn't hear a word the announcer said, then congratulations! 
You've achieved the "deep trance phenomenon" of hypnotic 

What's my point in all of this? Simple: as I've said before...


They go into trance all the time, anyway, so you might as well 
use this "tendency" to your advantage.

Why Hypnosis Is So Damn Useful...

As I've said time and again in my seminars and Home Study 
Courses(ha ha ha..did you catch that "plug"?), people tend 
to make their decisions in certain states. If you don't like 
the decision someone's made, you need to BREAK the state or 
mental set they are in. Equally important is to learn to put 
them in the right mental set or state you want them in in the 
first place.  That way, anyway behavior you want from them, 
rather than seeming forced will...

...Just Naturally "Flow" From The State They Are In!

In other words, the silly fools will think it's their idea and 
never have a clue they are being mind-fucked!

As Bugs Bunny would say: "Ain't I a stinker?".

Now, since we are writing this in the context of getting laid, 
let me show you two ways to induce a trance. The first 
requires some use of embedded commands and some control of 
your tonality, BUT THE SECOND DOES NOT! In fact, I would say 
the second pattern is the single best, most important 
persuasion pattern I have ever created, the most applicable 
in every situation and context and THE EASIEST TO USE!

So, without further adieu...

Hypnosis pattern #1:

This pattern revolves around the larger pattern of describing 
another person's experience as a way of embedding comands.  
Basically, you'd say something like this to the girl you are 
seeking to bamboozle:

You: You know what I find is so interesting, is how with some 
people you just don't connect at all(point AWAY FROM YOURSELF!) 
and other people you just FEEL AN INCREDIBLE CONNECTION(point 

Like my friend Colleen was telling me that when she starts to 
like the rest of the enviroment just starts to DISAPPEAR, and 
the entire world becomes this face YOU'RE SEEING, THIS VOICE 
YOU'RE HEARING...that's when she starts to FEEL THAT INTENSE, 

Now, from here they are already in trance, and will respond 
to anything else you suggest with much more intensity.  
Whether you want to give suggestions to feel connected, get 
horny, or BUY A TON OF STUFF, it really doesn't matter.

Having got that out of the way, let's move on to my favorite 
new pattern. I have seen this work miraculously well where 
nothing else has. And the real beauty of it is....


Goddamn straight, Buckwheat. You can do this to a highly 
trained "professional" hypnotist and they'll NEVER have a 
clue what you are doing because it's TOTALLY conversational. 

No embedded commands. No special tonality required. It just 
seems like you're asking a few, simple questions.

Before I show you the pattern though, I need to give you a bit 
of backround.

Maps And Models Of The World: Your Golden Key To Mind-Blowing 
Persuasion Power In ANY Area Of Life!

One of the central concepts of Neuro-Linguistic Programming is 
that people have, inside their minds, a map or model of the world, 
and that people respond from this map or model, rather than 
from the external world or objective "facts". 

This map is comprised of a person's beliefs in the 
following areas:

1. Their identity. WHO they are.

2. Their abilities. WHAT they can do.

3. Their possibilities.  WHAT they believe it is possible to 
accomplish in life. Is life a veil of tears, meant for 
suffering, a place to learn to be your best, etc. etc.

4. Their deservingness. WHAT they believe they deserve to 
have and keep.

Now, other NLP'ers might include other categories, but these 
will do fine for our purposes. And, by the way, just by reading 
this, you are probably already aware of what some of your 
beliefs are in these categories.

So, why is it so important of find out these beliefs? 

1. MOST people have no clear, conscious idea of what their 
beliefs are in these areas. And that means, in order to 
respond to questions about them, they have to go inside, 
access who they are on a very deep level, which means..


Yep. That be right, Cedric. You are about to become a master 
hypnotist, without even putting on a black cape, top hat, or 
even owning a crystal ball.

See, the questions I'm going to teach you to ask require a 
trance-state for the person to answer them. They are what I 
call "dope questions"...the kinda thing you  normally only 
ask yourself when you are very, very stoned.

2. Finding out these beliefs will give you an incredible amount 
of knowledge to use when dealing with this person. You'll be 
able to accurately predict their behavior and respons to 
virtually anything you do. You can make them feel like you 
are the greatest thing since sliced bread, or, when time comes, 
piss them off so bad they'll never want to deal with you again.

3. Asking these questions creates an incredibly deep level of 
rapport. It makes the person feel like they are deeply understood 
and connected. And we all know where that can lead,don't we? 
Hee hee hee.

4. Finally, but certainly not least of all, in answering 
these questions, people will emphasize and lean on certain 
words. These are what I call personal trance words. They are 
words which, for that person, hold deep meaning on a personal, 
symbolic, conscious and unconscious level. Repeat these exact 
words back to them, and their brain thinks it's THEM talking, 

...It Makes Your Communication As Damn Near Irresistible As 
Anything  Can Be!

As you all are sick of hearing me say, "That sure beats a poke 
in the eye, don't it?"

So now that I got you hotter than a 13 year old hillbilly girl 
in a roomful of her brothers, here's how you'd use this on a 
woman to get laid, with the understanding that it can be used, 
with modifications, in ANY area of persuasion and influence.

As in any Speed Seduction method, the first trick is to bring 
the topic up. So at a party or bar or any where you meet her, 
after the initial fluff, you'd want to say something like this:

You: You know, I know in a situation like this, they typical 
thing is for a person to ask "what do you do?". And, it's not 
that I'm not interested in that, but I find I learn alot more 
about a person when I find out what the challenges are in what 
they do. Because I know their are some aspects of what you do 
that are easy, and others are more difficult. Some are a challenge 
and others you can do in your sleep. With me, in my line of work 
it's the same thing. So, if were to ask you, what's the one aspect 
of what you do that's a challenge, either because you have to 
focus in to do it well, or you just have to focus in to get yourself 
motivated to do it, what would that be?


(Ok. Let's pause here a sec. You'll note I've put the actual 
question in bold face. All that stuff before it is necessary 
to set up the question, and to define for them what you mean 
by "challenge" so they give you the type of answer you are 
looking for.

Now, you might ask, why ask about a challenge? Simple; it's 
where people have their challenges that you find out who they 
really are.  No challenge, no need to access themselves at a 
deep level. So if you were to ask, "What do you find easiest 
about watching T.V.?" it's not likely they'd reveal too much 
of who they are deep inside.)

Now, that this point, you SHUT UP and listen to their answer. 
For example, you might here something like this,(note I'm 
boldfacing the word's this person is emphasizing. These are 
her personal trance words.):

Her: Well, I'm an artist rep. I love working with creative 
people, but I hate having to push an artist on a buyer.  
Sometimes it's hard to get their attention unless they already 
know the artist, but some of these newer artist have incredible 
talent and passion. They really deserve to have their work seen 
and bought.  If I could sell, without being pushy, that would 
be great.

Now, let's stop right here for a sec. Already we have a lot 
of info. She obviously admires talent and passion, and we can 
infer from that that she likes being needed and useful and 
making a contribution to people she feels are talented and 
passionate. She also is telling us that she doesn't like pushy 
people, and somehow has a belief that, in order to sell, she 
has to be pushy. So she's got a conflict, an "either/or" that 
we could potentially show her how to turn into an "and" if 
we choose to.

An important side note: MOST people's maps have information 
missing, in that they believe in an "either/or" choice, and 
the map leaves out or "deletes" the possibility of an "and".  
Examples: Either I'm pushy, or I can't sell.  Either I do what 
people say, or I'm happy. Either I'm ethical and honest or I'm 
successful financially.

These false "either/or" choices cause people tremendous pain 
and conflict. If you can show them a way out, they'll GIVE YOU 

You'll also probably be able to tell, in the above example, 
depending on the words and the tonality she uses,  that this 
woman pretty much seems to believe in herself and life in 
general. She just is lacking a skill: how to sell without being 

Ok. Throughout all this, if you have some curiosity or something 
that needs clarifying, ASK! Say, "what do you mean by that...I'm 
not sure I understand!".

Then, ask the second question, which is: "So what's your belief 
about all this? Do you believe it will always be a challenge,or 
will it one day be easy?".

Now, this is DAMN important. Here's where we find out if the 
person believes in their ability to change, if they deserve 
to get what they want, and what kind of place they believe 
the world is. LISTEN FOR THE ANSWER!

If you hear, "Gee, I dunno. I'll probably just end up flopping 
at this like everything else I do", run like hell! This person 
isn't worth playing with and they will just drag you down.

You want to hear something like, "Sure...I'm not sure how yet, 
but I'll figure it out!".

Let's Take A Breather A Sec....

Ok. Now that we've gathered all this information, there's a 
couple of different directions we can go. 

First, keep in mind that you've already created an intense 
rapport and connection just by virtue of the state she has 
to go into to answer you. And, you've made her feel understood 
and listened to like no one ever has, so you're already way more 
than half way home.

One step would to be to make the natural transition to 
talking about what's important to her in a relationship.  
I explain this pattern in my "Speed Seduction" Home Study 
Course, but basically, it involves doing a simliar thing to 
the above exercise, but talking about what's important to her 
in a relationship with a guy.

Another possibility would be to use her personal trance words 
when you ask her out.  Say something like, "You know, I don't 
know just how much passion you could feel about this really 
creative idea I have for going out and spend time with each 
other...but without being pushy, let me present it to you..."

I'm not kidding: when you talk this way they go right back into 
deep trance, and find what you are talking about irresistible. 
Their brain thinks it's THEM talking.

Ross' Plug Corner

Hey all you Ross-o-maniacs! We are doing our only 1995 East 
Coast GET LAID 3 day weekend May 12, 13 and 14th in Newark! 
Here's your chance to learn with me FACE to FACE, get personal 
instruction, and clear up any questions/problems you might have! 
And YES: we will be doing individual hot-seats!  Call Yates at 
(703) 791-6421 and SIGN-UP now, and get your $100 early sign-up 
discount plus coupons good for $650 worth of personal consulting 
and product discounts!   Hurry, 'cause seating is limited!

Peace and piece,



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