Sept / Oct 1995

6245 Bristol Parkway, Suite 275
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 822-5771
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The Two Key Formulas To Nail The Hottest Women, Anytime, Anywhere, As Easy As Getting Wet In A Rainstorm!

From: Culver City, CA
      Wednesday, 2:43 P.M.

Dear Friend and Subscriber,

If, within the last few days, you're been reading my Internet 
discussion group( or browsing my Web-page at, then you're probably already using the 
killer secrets I'm about to tell everyone else.

So there.

The Two Key Speed Seduction Formulas For Banging Babes Like CRAZY!

Listen; these TWO major Speed Seduction formulas drive all the 
other tools and techniques.  Everything else I teach is designed 
to interlock and function with these two algorithms.

Formula Number One:  For Pick-Ups/Initial Approaches and
Breaking A Woman's Resistance!

1. Break the woman's current state/fixed belief set.

2. Focus her attention on you.

3. Take control of her internal representations.

****Let's look at item #1*****:  

The best approaches to use here are humor and/or
unexpectedly powerful directness. In either case you are popping 
her out of her current mindset at the moment, so you can lead her 
where you want her to go.

Let's talk about using humor for a minute. Not only do most 
women LOVE a guy who can make them laugh; laughing shifts a 
woman's physiology and mental focus, interrupting her thought 
patterns and creating a temporary blank, which YOU can then fill in.

Just think about it a second. Have you ever been in a rotten mood, 
and then a friend suddenly makes you laugh?

What happens? You start feeling a hell of a lot better, don't you?

So, using humor as an interrupter, you could walk up to a woman 
and hit her with any one of my favorite Ross Jeffries' lines.

For example, the other day, I was at the beach, and spotted three 
hot young women I wanted to meet, and they were all together playing 
in the waves.

How did I use humor to break the ice?

I walked out into the water(that's "into"; not "on"; you guys 
only THINK I'm God) and said, in my dumbest, imitation, 
Gomer-Pyle southern drawl).....

"Shucks..there SURE is a lotta water around here!"

Of course, they all busted up laughing. I then followed it up 
with the low-key, but powerful intro I'm about to tell you all 

See, one of the best approaches I've ever used for meeting women 
is just to be incredibly direct, but also VERY low key. This 
combination exerts an almost HYPNOTIC fascination.

So, for example, if I spot a woman I find attractive, in a 
low-key, but direct way, I'll walk up to her and say,

"Pardon me m'am. Forgive me for interrupting you, but I just 
wanted to tell you.....(pause a second or two for effect...they 
will begin to wonder "what???..what does he want to tell me?") I 
think you're absolutely stunning....and I really wanted to meet 
you. (Pause again)

"My name's Ross..." I then extend my hand and shake theirs!

What makes this approach work?

A. You are being DIRECT, with no excuses or apologies. This 
RADIATES confidence.

B. It's done LOW KEY!  I talk rushing....I'm radiating, 
affinity, warmth and relaxed power instead of need or horniness.

When you do this, it doesn't matter that a moment before she was 
obsessing on that overdue bill or her yeast infection.  You've got 
her attention BIG TIME!

******Item #2**********

Get Her Attention Focused On You!

Once you've broken her current train of thought, you've got to 
get her attention focused on you or you'll just be wasting your 
time.  By taking her hand and introducing yourself, looking her 
in the eye all the time,  you are already well on your way. 

But here, to DRAMATICALLY accelerate this, I use what I call....


What does this mean? need to intrude SLIGHTLY...and I 
do mean S-L-I-G-H-T-L-Y on her personal space; not so much that she 
pulls, back or runs or slaps you, but enough to make her wonder and 
get a bit excited.

How do you do this? Well, when you take her hand to shake it...
DON'T LET GO AFTERWARDS!!!.  Keep holding on as you continue to 
talk to her, looking straight in her eyes.
Will SOME women pull their hands away? YOU BET! Maybe 30 to 40%; 
guess what? These are the ones who are very uptight, and lacking 
in adventure somewhat in any case. So what?

******Item #3*********

Taking Control Of Her Internal Representations

You now want to move to the most important step: TAKE CONTROL OF 
HER INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS.  This simply means to direct how she 
visualizes, talks to herself and what she feels through the 
structured use of your language.

You could say something like, "You know, I can tell you are a 
woman with great taste!"

And when she says, "How do you know?"

Respond, "Because you laugh at what I say. And the more you laugh, 
the more you'll LOOK FORWARD to having the best time when we 
go out!".

When she laughs at this, you say, "See...just like that.

Here's why this last part is SO important; you've now set it up 
so that her behavioral response of laughing acts as a trigger for 
her to have exactly the thought pattern you install; to LOOK 
FORWARD to going out with you!!!

To add to this you say, "Seriously...haven't you ever met someone, 
and you just knew you were going to like this person(point to 
yourself), cause you could just STOP, and IMAGINE BEING TOGETHER, 
feeling totally comfortable, and absolutely connected, for all the 
right reasons?".

As she sighs and says, "yeah" you say, "Well, see? So, as you think 
about it  like that..." then just keep chatting.

What have you done here? You've not only directed her thoughts, 
you've BOUND them by giving her the suggestion to keep thinking 
along those lines as you speak. let's get to the second Super-Formula for Speed Seduction 
Success, which is:

1. Create the state

2. Bind/link it to you

3. Amplify

Let's look at these one piece at a time.

1. *****Creating The State******

As you know, one of the key teachings of Speed Seduction is that 
there is no such THING as such THING as 
such THING as chemistry.

Now, we AREN'T saying that people never experience these states, 
but hat these feeling states are the RESULTS of internal mental 
processes that have a structure and sequence.  As such, with 
skillfull description, these states can be evoked AT WILL.

Generally speaking, we first elicit/evoke the state by naming 
it/describing the experience, using weasel phrases such as:

****Have you ever...*****
**What's it like when*****
***Can you remember the last time(first time) you ever***

(Let me disrupt my own flow here to make a VERY important side 
comment that's CRITICAL to being a great Speed Seducer; in order 
to use the proper congruent tonality, when creating states, a Speed 
Seducer must know how to evoke SOME of the states in himself that he 
wishes to install in others; he thus uses the feelings as a guide for 
his tonality. Hence, SS REQUIRES you to become aware of the
full spectrum of feelings/emotions/human experience. 

The principle here is:


Put yourself in some of the feeling states you want to install 
in others!)

Now, I'm not going to belabor creating states any further; if you've 
read any of the previous newsletters, you've already got the basics. 
So we need to move to...

2.*****Binding/Linking The State*******

One of the early problems with Speed Seduction was what I call 
"the soap bubble effect"; I found that sure enough, I could evoke 
states and emotional responses could INDEED be evoked; but all too 
often the effect was temporary. Once the description stopped, so did 
the state.

Hence the importance of BINDER COMMANDS; these commands serve the 
purpose of extending the states/processes through time, AND linking 
the states/feelings/processes to the speed seducer. They also tell 
the unconscious WHEN to carry out the commands.

This last point is critical; you see, while the unconscious is 
VERY suggestible, it has NO fixed conception of time. A minute 
is the same as a year or a decade to it; unless you tell it WHEN 
to do something, it might never do it, or might do it 3 days later 
with some other guy, when you aren't even around.

Why go to work fishing, when someone else lands your

Binder commands include, but are not limited to:




And various other combinations/permutations of the above words.

Binding is ALSO accomplished through time distortion and 
presuppositions of time; these function as post-hypnotic 
suggestions that cue the person to continue to run the tape 
loops you've installed, even when you aren't around.

In effect, you can bind her thinking NOT only when she's in your 
presence, but when you're thousands of miles away as well.

What you are doing is helping to construct a movie in her mind and 

....... Hitting the endless play button!!!

Other methods of binding/linking include touch anchors and gestures 
that are self-referring. The smart move is to use ALL of them in 
combination; don't give her ANY chance at all!

3.*******Amplifying The State********

 Once you've got the woman mentally traveling in the direction 
you want, it's time to step on the gas!  There are SEVERAL ways 
to do this, among them:

1. Zip anchors

2. Synethstesia

3. Sub-modality shifts

4. Commands such as, "Feel it building...focus in on those 
feelings....surrender completely...."

5. Sexual metaphor.."Create an opening for it.....feel it 
penetrate.....come over and over again to the same conclusion..."

Peace and piece,
