Jan / Feb 1997

6245 Bristol Parkway, Suite 275
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 822-5771
World Wide Web Site:

How To Laugh Yourself To Ultimate Seduction Success!

Dear Friend and Valued Reader,

More and more, I am seeing the importance of generating laughter 
as the start of my seductions.

One of the problems many fledgling SS students have is, they take 
the whole damn thing WAY too seriously.

This is a BIG mistake for several reasons.

1. You are going to go through a trial and error learning period 
where it's unlikely you'll execute each required step. You're going 
to trip over your dick!

EVERY student(including me!) goes through this.

If you can treat it as a fun game rather than a task you MUST 
do well at, you'll find yourself taking a lot more action a lot 
more readily.

This is why "confidence" can be the wrong thing to aim for; it 
implies some task you MUST perform and at which you could fail.

If you view it, however, as play, then the worst that can happen 
is you discover some chyck doesn't want to play with you. Oh well....

2. Laughing puts the chycks off guard, randomizes their synapses, 
and readies them for a deeper rapport. It's like playing peekaboo 
with a baby.

One of the approaches I've found is to adopt the laughing response 
into my connection patterns. This works whether it's the first time 
I've spoken to her, have spoken to her before, on the phone or in 

Step one: Make 'em laugh. Sometimes(in fact oftentimes) just 
being direct will do this. 

I can remember walking up to a stunning brunette in a shopping mall, 
and with a laugh in my voice(more on this latter) I said, "Pardon 
me m'am...forgive me for interrupting you here.....but you are so 
pretty.....I'm willing to make a total ass of myself, just to get 
a chance to meet you. My name's Ross."

She laughed and told me her name and when I asked why she laughed 
she responded, "Because it's so uncommon.".

Step two: Say something like, " I can tell you're a woman with 
great taste...cause you laugh at what I say..Now, the more you laugh 
at what I say... the more you'll recognize just how attractive you 
find that...and the more you'll look forward to being with someone 
just like that...."

Step three(Work it into a connection pattern) "In fact...just 
standing here....talking with you...I have an intuition...that when 
you connect with someone...someone you really like...someone you're 
really attracted to who makes you feel that click..right 
know that sense of just feeling totally you've known 
this person you were meant to know them....a big part 
of it is that recognition that you can RELAX and laugh with this 
person..can you feel maybe how it works?)

Step four: transition into talking about how interesting it is how 
people begin the process of connecting..oftentimes there's a strong 
element of fascination involved...I find when I start to listen 
carefully(blah blah blah).

I've found that women almost UNIVERSALLY respond favorably to this 
beginning approach...they really do giggle like little kids when you 
talk about the more they laugh...the more they recognize just how 
attractive they find that.

(You can, as a variation, add in, "And the more you'll look forward 
to being with someone just like that.")

If you're on the phone, you can also add in, 

"In fact, I don't know if you can recognize that with each little 
giggle...with each breath you take...with each beat of your heart...
you're growing more intrigued, but anyway..just setting aside 
whatever pictures just keep popping into your mind when I say are you doing today?"

( By the way, I quite enjoy using SS over the phone. I think it 
particuliarly has its advantages when dealing with women who need 
to have the feeling that they are participating in the seduction; 
somehow, the illusion that they are alone allows them to have MUCH 
stronger responses. Plus...since your mouth is, in effect, right up 
to their ear, it makes anchoring them to your voice MUCH, 

Now, as an added service, here are some of my favorite things to 
say that get a laugh, 

"I wish I were a girl like I could have a guy like me come 
into my life!"

"I know what you ideal, dream guy looks like.....I see his face 
every morning, when I look in the bathroom mirror."

"If I were a woman..and I were half as attractive as you are..I'd 
stand in front of the mirror all day long..until I worked up the 
courage to ask myself out!"

More Kewl Phone Tricks!

Here's one to use on a woman you've already seduced, or who is 
already given you some strong doggie dinner bowl looks. It's NOT 
for a firstimer/new girl with whom you are having first contact:

1. Leave a fairly straight message on her machine on whatever topic. 
"Hey Cindy...can you please call me back with your cousin's address 
so I can send him those Batman condoms? Ok?  Bye(allow a pause of 
three beats!) you realize I'm still leaving a message...a 
message you can hear INSIDE YOUR MINE..whenever you really wanna 
feel can just find this message replaying 
itself in ways that suprise and DEEE-LIGHT you..and that's a great 
thing..isn't it?)

How To Put Laughter In Your Voice.

As I keep saying over and over again, the first and most important 
step in Speed Seduction is to generate and design your OWN custom 
state of mind for seducing chycks.

When it comes to beautiful chycks, too many guys only have one state: 
Arousal and Speechless Panic!
Why not custom design your own state? In fact..let's stop a minute 
and do a little exercise.

Exercise: Imagine that you have to design the ultimate chyck seducing 
android. Forget about what it looks like; let's say it has to look 
like you!

What attitudes and states of mind would you design in for this 
android to insure his seduction successs with the highest quality 

List 5 of the qualities/attributes that would make up this android's 
state of mind around beautiful chycks:


Now..imagine you have, in front of you, an equalizer, like what is found 
in a stereo sound system, with five channels, one for EACH attribute 
you listed in part one of this exercise.(The illustration below 
contains MY attributes..use your own!)

10 -         10  -         10 -           10-             10 -
 9 -          9  -          9 -            9-              9 -
 8 -          8  -          8 -            8-              8 -            
 7 -          7  -          7 -            7-              7 -
 6 -          6  -          6 -            6-              6 -
 5 -          5  -          5 -            5-              5 -
 4 -          4  -          4 -            4-              4 -
 3 -          3  -          3 -            3-              3 -
 2 -          2  -          2 - 	   2-              2 -
 1-           1  -          1 -            1-              1 -
 0____        0____         0____          0____           0____
ferocious     clear         playful        aroused         thorough
Ok? Got that? Now, experiment with different combinations of settings 
until you've designed in the state of consciousness you want for your 
chyck seducing android.  Experiment with sliding the controls to 
various levels of intensity..only as fast as you can feel those 
attributes in your body...mind...hear the voice of that attribute 
internally and externally,. etc.

This is a great exercise! And...if you want to have me guide you 
through it, in an altered state, as I induce a powerful trance that 
locks these changes in, you need to order my Equalizer audio tape! 
Call Yates at 703-791-6421 and get 'em while they last!

Now, about putting laughter in your voice! You'll find this is a 
function of turning up the juice on the playful/fun setting in your 
mind! The cool thing is, once this is locked in, that voice becomes 
the anchor for the entire state you've customed designed!  It's a 
really great tool all around!

Book Recommendations For 1997

Invariably, around New Year's, someone who doesn't know me well 
enough to know better asks, "Hey, Ross. Have you got any New Year's 

Now, anyone who knows me knows I believe in living with resolve 
all year round. If the only time you can reach a state of being 
resolute is one day out of the year, you're in big trouble.

In any case, one of the things I am resolved to do 365 days a year 
is continuing to improve myself and the my knowledge of what counts 
in the world. If YOU are interested in that sort of thing(and why 
else would you be reading this newsletter if you weren't) I think a 
very good place to start is what you choose to read.

Therefore, I thought I'd start this issue out(don't worry...we'll 
be getting to some great get laid stuff too!) by recommending some 
VERY excellent books that you MUST read if you truly want to live 
your dreams and kick some ass in the world.

"What are these sacred texts, oh Great and Flawless Guru?" I can 
hear you asking.

Well, here's my list, dear friends(these are in NO particuliar 
order; they are all important for you to read, absorb and apply!).

1. Awaken The Genius: Mind Technology For The 21st Century by 
Patrick Porter, Ph.D.  Available by calling (606)-271-1791.   
This is an absolutely brilliant book about the power of building 
altered states of consciousness to reach your goals and beyond.  
His self-help dialogue and exercises are excellent; I don't buy 
everything he says about diet and such, but hey...who says everyone 
has to agree with me 100% of the time?  Highest possible recommendation.

2. How To Make Millions With Your Ideas by Dan S. Kennedy. 
Available at your bookstore or by calling Dan's office at 
(800)223-7180. Kennedy is to marketing what Guru Ross is to NLP 
and getting laid. You simply cannot afford to be without this man's 
advice if you are serious about financial success; he not only 
publishes this book, but about a dozen other titles, plus he has a 
killer newsletter. Reading this book caused me to seriously reevaluate 
and upgrade several aspects of my business. Do yourself a favor and get 

3. Virus Of The Mind by Richard Brodie.  Available at any bookstore.  
Brodie is the guy who wrote the original Micro-Soft Word program  
and retired a millionaire in his 20's! But this book on the new 
science of Memetics is  really about the insidious programming 
mechanisms that the powers that be (government, media, church, big 
business) use to try to restrict your thinking and turn you into an 
obedient little robot.  Read this book and learn to protect your self 
and generate your own societal programming mechanisms!(According to 
Richard, who is now a buddy of mine, I'm actually an unwitting expert 
at this "meme" stuff and have used it quite well to promote myself and 
Speed Seduction! Wow! You really do learn something new every day!)

4. Your Mind, The Magician by Allen M. Rosenthal. Available at most 
bookstores.  This book is a brilliant little second look at 
Psycho-Cybernetics(which, if you don't know, is a classic written 
in the 60's by Maxwell Maltz) with some great metaphysical insights 
thrown in for good measure.  This book really helped me get some great 
practical insights on how to visualize end results and get into the 
flow of things and take some attention off of my obsessive planning. 
If you want to learn how to engage your Creative Mechanism, read this 
suprisingly useful and very good book. Hell, I may even invite Allen to 
speak at my next week long, Speed Life training.

5. Secrets Of Sex Magick by Frater U.D.  Available in the occult 
sections of larger bookstores or my calling the Llewellyn Company 
at 1-800-THEMOON.  This book is NOT about using magic to get sex, 
but is about using the energy and altered state of sexual arousal 
to do magic in general. This is the single most intelligent and 
sensible expose of magick I have ever read, and the author basically 
breaks magick down into three components: will, imagination and 
altered state.  Cuts through the crap and gets to what works. Highest 
possible recommendation.  

6.  Vultures In Eagle's Clothing by Lynne Meredith. Available ONLY 
by calling (714) 375-6631. Is our tax system really voluntary as the 
author claims? Is it really legal, based on valid constitutional law, 
to not file Federal income tax returns? 

Don't ask me to offer any opinion in writing, damn it! But the book 
is one of the most stimulating reads I've ever experienced and I can 
only invite you to  draw your own conclusions. Whatever you may 
conclude, you'll wind up agreeing that this is a vitally important 
book if for no other reason than it discusses the foundations this 
country was built on and just how far most American's have been 
brainwashed to forget them! Get it! Very highly recommended!

7. Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson.  Available from New 
Falcon Publications, (602) 246-3546. A brilliant expose of how folks 
are programmed by the powers that be to live inside their reality 
tunnels and never even consider the possibility of breaking free and 
living of a life of their own design and creation. GET THIS ONE!

8. Monsters And Magical Sticks: There's No Such Thing As Hypnosis 
by Steven Heller.  One of the most stimulating, thought-provoking 
books on hypnosis I've ever read; it explodes the Hollywood myths 
and shows you how trance is part of everyday experience. Perhaps 
the best book on hypnosis you will ever read and you can order your 
copy from the MAPS catalog at 800-233-6277.  (Incidentally, MAPS has 
the most extensive NLP book and tape collection I've ever encountered 
and you really should get their catalog; it's free!)

The Mail Bag

Subject: Statistical evidence


Have you ever considered submitting Speed Seduction for 
scientific study? Do you have any statistical analysis or data as 
to it's effectiveness? Statistics would be far better when it comes 
to convincing people that it works? There are too many useless 
products that claim to work miracles that are not even moderately 

Dear Statistics Lover,

Since I'm not publishing in scientific journals, the protocols 
and standars of scientific journals are no more binding on me 
that the archaic format of documents used in court proceedings 
and pleadings.

I merely invite people to examine the principles I'm teaching, 
see if they make sense, and then apply them in the real world.

And I'm not offering miracles or magic. I'm offerring MECHANICS. 
TOOLS that need practice and a set of conditions to make them work. 
These TOOLS require you to pick them up and use them.

Received anonymously from the SS mailing list
12/27/96, 11:56 AM


I love your web site but I think you are giving the store away.

How about charging extra for seeing Sargy? After all, I bet Sargy 
can pull more babes that most people can imagine.

Anonymous Sargy Fan

Dear Sargy Fan,

If only I could get the little fucker to walk on a leash, he'd 
be the ultimate chick magnet, but he starts to sharpening his 
claws and glaring at me whenever I bring up the subject!

Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 10:45:52 GMT
Subject: Email via Form -- Seduction Web Site

Hey Ross:

I live in Mexico, so the techniques you teach are based in English, 
I know that the basics are the same, but do you have something 
developed in Spanish? Or how do you get laid with latin girls?

Dear Ghosting,

The best way to get laid with Latin girls is to become a Catholic 

Just kidding; the important thing to understand, when translating 
SS to another language, is that while the individual quirks and 
tricks may change, the basic principles of capturing and leading 
the imagination and emotions are the same!

If there are any Spanish speakers out there in Seduction land 
working on SS translations into Espanol I invite you to contact 
Ghosting at the e-mail address above.

Oh Mighty Guru Ross,

Here's a pattern I've worked out for helping a girl to have 
"dreams" about you! What do you think?

"Have you ever had dreams about someone you really really like?  
Me, for instance, I find that when you meet somebody who you're 
very attracted to , and you start to THINK ABOUT 
THAT PERSON all the time, that's when you can really begin to NOTICE 

I mean you know how you REMEMBER some dreams , 
and others you FORGET?   It's like when you constantly 
THINK ABOUT THIS PERSON , you conscious mind GOES 
DOWN REAL DEEP  into your subconscious and BRINGS BACK 
all these wonderful dreams about them.  If you were to DO THAT at 
night, how long would it take you to REALIZE that you're dreaming 
about this person?  Me, I've had that happen before many times..."

The key, for people seeing such a pattern for the first time, is to 
be visually perceivable, but not consciously noticable.  If you point 
down frantically at your crotch and say real loud "GOES DOWN REAL DEEP" 
at the dinner table, yer gonna get slapped, okay?

What do y'all think about that?  As Johnny Five would say "Input! 
Moooooooore innnnnnput!"

Marc Breaux
New Orleans, LA

Peace and piece,
