April / May 1997

6245 Bristol Parkway, Suite 275
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 822-5771
World Wide Web Site:

Special Voodoo Dildo Issue!

Dear Friend and Valued Reader,

Every once and awhile, I get nostalgic. Now, this doesn't happen 
too often; usually I only look forward.

But the other day, I was going through some of my original Speed 
Seduction research notes going back over a four year period of time. 
During that review, I recognized that I had several "breakthrough" 
realizations that dramatically increased my Speed Seduction 
understanding and ability.

You see, what many people don't realize is, a large part of my 
ability, even what some people would call "genius"(and I'd be the 
last person to argue with that term!), is actually the ability to 
experiment, make tons of mistakes, and only pursue those directions 
that work!

So I thought it would be very useful to you in your efforts to become 
a master Speed Seducer and persuader, if I dedicated this issue of 
the newsletter to sharing those breakthroughs with you.

Without further ado, and in no particular chronological order or 
order of impotance, here are...

Ross's Speed Seduction Breakthrough Thoughts, Rules and Realizations!

1. Not all women will respond to "connection" patterns. Some women 
who are already emotionally occupied, but sexually bored, or shut 
down emotionally, but open sexually or just don't believe 
relationships are possible will still be very receptive to a 
"body sensation" approach.

2. There are two classes of women who respond to patterns; those 
who want to be overwhelmed, and those who want it to be their own 
experience. The women in the first category will just sit and let 
you run patterns without interrupting; the second category will 
interrupt by talking. That's ok...let them talk..because they will 
give you their personal trance words which you use back with them 
when you continue with the patterns! Girls in the second category 
are actually  more entertaining and fun!

3. Stack patterns in levels of three whenever possible. A single 
pattern, by itself, is annoying, like a single pirhana, but hardly 
dangerous, like a school of pirhana.

4. In line with number 3, do as much as possible as soon as you 
can. If you wait until a "date" to do the patterns, you may never 
get one!

5. Some women, for whatever reason, have a "time delay" effect; 
the patterns might not appear to work, but an hour or 3 days or even 
3 months later, out of the blue they want to bang you. This "time 
delay" can be an x-factor that can make responses seem a bit more 

6. As far as possible, layer in body sensations along with your 
connection patterns! When you combine body sensastions along with 
emotional connections, either at the same time or rapidly in 
sequence, the effect is practically irresistible and the power 
isn't's exponential!

7. The conversational frameworks that make introducing and weaving 
patterns together are as important as the patterns! Therefore, 
practice being able to weave together pattern sequences by focusing 
on broad-based THEMES, rather than rote recitation of patterns. 
THEMES allow you to tie patterns together and almost make it 
unavoidable to use pattern type language. Great THEMES for seduction 

A. How we connect with each other
B. How we connect with fantasies...daydreams...imagination...desires.
C. Even more broadly, connections as a theme would include the first 
D. Moments of stepping aside consciously and surrendering to 
something....this could be surrendering to a peak experience, to 
peak performance(useful for dancers, artists, athletes, musicians..
anyone who has to perform!)

8. When you learn how to do Speed Seduction according to 7, above, 
it ceases to be about mind-fucking and ramming memorized patterns 
into a co-operative subject, and becomes a mutual exploration of how 
you think and how she thinks about certain topics, that naturally 
would lend themselves to pattern type talk even if you didn't know a 
thing about Speed Seduction! Using the pattern language, therefore, 
in this context is utterly natural, incredibly powerful, and allows 
you to actually learn something about the woman on a very deep level 
while you are creating incredible connections, sexual feelings, etc. 
etc. The best of both worlds, but not all women are sharp enough or 
developed enough to respond to this approach. If they aren't, either 
walk or go back to standard pattern recitation!

9. The phone is an incredible way to do patterns because women feel 
they aren't being observed and therefore can be alot stronger in 
their responses.

10. A genuine curiosity or a genuine intuition is an incredible 
place to start from. Intuition is a superb seduction tool, when 
combined with ferociousness, a sense of humor, some cockiness and 
some thoroughness.

11. With women who want it to be their own experience, combining, 
body sensations, their own personal trance words, vagueness and 
sexual metaphor is a knock-out combination! (Since their resistance 
can be high, in helps to talk about how "a person can" or "if a 
person could, then THEY" rather than talking about her directly. 
She'll naturally apply it to herself, since she is so self-referential 
to begin with!)

12. Knowing what to pay attention to, what to listen and look for 
is as much a pattern of seduction as the language patterns.

13. In line with number 12, the question to ask, and the main 
thing to pay attention to is, "How is she responding with her 
imagination and emotions?"

14. When thinking of an experimental pattern or approach, ask the 
question, "How is this structured to capture and lead her imagination, 
and if it works, what do I follow up with?"  If you can't answer those 
questions, your odds of it being succesful are VERY shitty.

15. The proper attitude to have is, "Of course this is going to 
work...this is how women naturally respond anyway...and since I'm 
someone who already knows he can have's just not that big 
a deal!" If your attitude is, please..please...make this work or, 
please, please, dear goddess, I hope this works with I 
doing ok?" you are going to get stomped!

16.Dead ends pursued that lead nowhere:

A. Trying just being outrageously confident without any patterns. 
ALWAYS got cancelled on or stood up, without acception, period, full 

B. Trying stringing together presuppostions, without any patterns 
going before them. Stuff like, "After you've fallen for me completely" 
works great as the knock-out punch after you've done patterns, but by 
itself, alone, won't cut it.

C. Trying "connection" patterns with strippers. To strippers, healthy, 
emotional connections are unwanted, impossible and not in their model 
of the world. To them, excitement, adventure, and thrills ARE what 
constitute a connection, so give them that if you choose to deal with 
them at all.

The Mail Bag


Dear Ross,

I would really like to know the scoop on meeting women in singles 
bars. I and many guys I know have no problem meeting women in other 
situations, like meeting  someone through business or in a checkout 
line and then moving from there to coffee or dinner.

But in a bar situation, given the layout of a nightclub or mosts 
bars, it's harder to strike up a conversation unless it's with a 
woman who you happen to be seated next to. And the chances of this 
are remote because there are far less bar seats and table seats, 
and then there are women who aren't even seated.

So if a woman is with a group, how do you approach? Do you approach 
cold, without any eye contact? Are the chances of cold approaches 
working to any degree so low that most men who do this just realize 
that 90% of the time they will be blown off and they just have the 
guts to keep trying, trying, trying?


Dear XXX,

Wow! You ask a lot of great questions. I'll try to answer as many 
as possible as space permits!

First, I tell guys to avoid singles places as far as possible. 
It's better and easier to meet women anywhere they go to feed their houses, gourmet yogurt shops(there's a place here in 
Los Angeles, near UCLA that has about 15 women for every guy and 
it's packed from 9PM to 11PM,7 days a week! It's so crowded, you 
can't NOT meet loud noise to shout expensive drinks!).

Now, you mentioned "layout". If you ARE going to go to a "singles 
place", I think layout is CRITICAL. Since these places can be tough 
anyway, you might as well have the layout making it easier. It 
should be physically laid out so:

1. It's easy to make eye contact from virtually any place you are 
sitting or standing.

2. You can observe the entrance and preferrably the bathroom! This 
way you can make contact/observe everyone who comes in AND see 
whoever you might like to approach leave her group and head off for 
herself for a while to answer the call of nature...a perfect time to 

3. Preferrably, it has SOME place that is quiet enough that you 
can talk. NO loud music, or a room where the music isn't so loud.	

In my own research, I've found that places that are have a bar as 
part of a restaurant are the only ones that fill this bill of 

For example, let's compare two places; Houston's restaurant, 
in West L.A. which I rate an A++ by these standards, and Chaya 
restaurant in Venice, which, though it has so many hot babes that 
some nights it resembles a modelling convention, nonetheless only 
earns a C+.

Both have a bar attached to the restaurant. Both have no music to 
shout over.

But Houston's is dramatically superior. The bar is huge and 
rectangular and from virtually ANYWHERE you sit at the bar, you 
can see and make eye contact with virtually anyone else sitting 
there, plus some people sitting at tables in the restaurant! It's a 
big bar, seating probably 30+ people, and if you pick the right 
seats, you can also keep your eye on the bathroom! Ample opportunity 
for eye-contact and observation!

Chaya, as I said, is babe-city! I swear a castrated priest would 
pop a woody with all the great looking women!


1. The bar has LIMITED seating. MAYBE a dozen seats, plus some 
tables in the bar area.

2. The bar is basically just one sided, and it faces a wall, 
away from the door, the tables and anything else. All you can see 
without effort is the person next to you and the bartender!

3. Therefore, the ONLY way to work Chaya is to get there early, 
stake out a seat at the bar or a bar area table, and DON'T MOVE.

Too bad. It's babe heaven, but too badly laid out for my lazy ass!

Let me give you one more example to contrast and illustrate these 
principles...Broadway Deli in Santa Monica.

On the plus side:

1. LOTS of traffic. Pretty girls getting off work pack the place 
from 6 to 8 P.M, Monday thru Friday, plus there are tons of movie 
theaters, night spots, etc nearby. Women go their to meet before 
and after movies, dancing, etc.

2. NO loud music; in fact, no music at all.

3. Pretty good visibility. From any spot in the bar, you can make 
eye contact with most other folks.

The negatives:

1. The bar has only two sides for's "L" shaped. The 
other two sides are used by the servers and bartenders!

2. The bar has some blind spots.

3. The bar has limited seating!

4. You can't see the door, can't see the tables in the bar area 
and you can't see the bathroom!

Rating: B-

No matter where you go, it helps to have a gimmick. You can use 
the Grapho Deck which we sell, or get a deck of Tarot cards. Pull 
them out, start going through them and I guaranteed women will 
approach YOU!

As far as approaching cold; if a woman is in a group, and I can't 
make ANY eye contact..and she stays with the group...and a gimmick 
isn't working to get the attention of ANY of them...I consider it a 
BIG crap shoot...a REAL roll of the dice. It's like the difference 
between a good, solid poker hand and playing ROULETTE. If you feel 
ballsy, go've got nothing to lose, but I think the odds 
of  success are just much lower.

Bottom line:most singles spots(especially as you get older!) offer 
low odds for success, UNLESS they are laid out I user friendly 
fashion. Think of it like selecting a casino at which to gamble; 
you would want one that offers the lowest possible edge for the 
house, and the best odds and pay-offs for you! You wouldn't let 
flashy lights, free entertainment and free drinks get you to gamble 
at a place where you knew they rigged the games against you, would 

Most singles spots are like the flashy casino that's cheating the 
customers; stay out unless you've checked out how they are running 
their games!!!

Dear Ross and Yates,

I have a confession to make. I've been very bad because I've used 
your methods for things that they weren't designed for. When I 
purchased the course, all I wanted was an NLP "how to" course, since 
the ones in Australia are so bloody expensive and apparently run by 
less than honest practitioners. So when I read the success stories 
as printed in your Ad letter, I was convinced that if these methods 
can be used to seduce women, then what you are selling must be pretty 

To practice your methods, I used them at the retail store where 
I worked, and frankly I was shocked because I was able to get irate 
customers to leave thinking they've won in a situation when in 
actuality they'd lost and left for home empty handed. I was able to 
get annoying pensioners out of my face, and able to deal with smart 
ass managers and the even the store manager and come out on top! Me 
and another guy were even able to get one junior manager to flip out 
whenever we wanted to, just by saying, "don't get into an emotional 
state!" at which point he'd spit the dummy and have to leave!

I've realized that I've used the power attitudes and patterns to 
also get a promotion at higher pay!

Thanks for making life a little bit more bearable, and who know; 
I may even use your stuff to get laid!

Brendan Strubel,
Melbourne, Australia

Hey Brendan,

Thanks for the compliments! I've said all along that the key to 
persuading in ANY area of life is to capture and lead the 
imagination! What a horrible deal that the tools that show you 
how to do this for seduction can be used to improve and enjoy 
ANY area of dealing with your fellow humans! Oh well; life's a 
bitch and then you die!

Pick Up Line Of The Month!

This one comes from your one, true Guru himself. Here's how 
it works:

Spot the woman you want to meet. Walk up to her, and put a puzzled 
look on your face; the look you'd use if you saw someone you truly 
thought you recognized them but couldn't quite put your finger on it.

Then you say:

"Pardon me miss. I know this is going to sound a little funny, 
but I know I've seen you somewhere before, and I just can't figure 
out where."

So far, sounds like a standard pick-up ploy, right? Here's where 
you ad the twist. Pause for another second and say, with a sudden 
look of realization:

"I know where it was. I was reading a book on angels, and they had 
your picture in it!"

Now, this next part is critical. When she laughs, immediately follow 
up with, "I'm glad you laughed, because I think you are absolutely 
break-taking, (small pause) and I really wanted to meet you. My 
name is:_ _ _ _ _ _ _."

News Updates:

Peckerwood "R. Don Steele" refuses Ross' $5,000 Pick-Up Girls 

For those who haven't been following along in the private Speed 
Seduction e-mail discussion group, recently, R. Don "Peckerwood" 
Steele, author of "How To Date Young Women:For Men Over 35" branded 
your Guru and Master a fraud! Among other things, Don said I was "a 
fast-talking swindler", "a criminal fraud" and that I, "couldn't get 
laid on Sunset!".

Now, normally, I ignore this kind of nonsense. But this putz has 
stepped WAY over the line. So I wrote him back and challenged him 
as follows:

"I've got $5000 to put up when you are ready to accept a public 
challenge. Just you and me if you want, mano-y-mano in a pick-up 
girls contest. Since you say I couldn't get laid on Sunset, let's 
have a neutral third party pick a place and we have a hidden camera 
follow us both. Whoever gets the most dats/phone numbers in 3 hours 
gets $5000 from the loser. Are you ready to put your money where 
your mouth is, you aging, pussy peckerwood, or area you all just hot 

Well, Don, of course, has never answered my challenge. If you 
happen to know anyone in the news-media, how about telling them 
about this? What media outlet wouldn't want to cover the "Battle 
of The Pick-Up Girls Gurus?". Perhaps THEIR prodding will get this 
coward to come out in public and face me like a man, so I can give 
him the trouncing he deserves in the only area that counts; a real 
world test of skills and methods.

Or maybe you'd like to write Don himself, and tell him what YOU 
think of his cowardly refusal. You can reach him at:

Steel Balls Press, Box 807, Whittier, CA 90608. 

Come out of hiding and face me, Steele!

Peace and piece,


PS.  Here's a great joke to tell a woman you ALREADY have 
good rapport with or already know well.  Notice how it uses 
embedded commands to get her all hot and horny.

This guy is leaving town on business for a week and he's starting 
to get a little worried. You see, his wife is a nymphomaniac, and 
he knows that as soon as he leaves, she'll start to GET VERY HORNY 
and think to herself, "YOU'VE GOT TO GET SOME".

So he goes to the adult toy shop to check out what they've got. 
And he notices there's an ornately carved wood box behind the 
counter. So he asks the salesman what it is, and the salesman says, 
"Oh...that's the voodoo dildo. Here...let me show you."

So the salesman opens the box, and there, lying on a bed of red 
velvet is what looks like an ordinary vibrator.

The salesman says, "Watch this! Voodo dildo-door!". The 
voodoo dildo rises from the box and flies across the room and 
begins banging like crazy against the keyhole! Before it can break 
the door down, the salesman says, "Voodoo dildo-box!" and the dildo 
soars back and gently lands in its box.

Well, needless to say, the guy HAS to have the voodoo dildo! At 
first the salesman refuses but after an hour of haggling and $1000, 
the man walks off with the magic dingus.

He explains how it works to his wife, and kissing her goodbye, 
sets off on his trip. Now, she resists using it for two days, but 
finally, she starts to FEEL THE HORNINESS BUILDING INSIDE. She 
can't take it anymore, so she opens the box and says, "Voodoo 
dildo-my pussy!".

The voodoo dildo slams into her and begins pumping her in every 
conceivable position and angle. She can't believe the power and 
precision; she's getting it with exactly the right strokes, 
exactly the right angles, exactly the right pressure and she 

After two hours, she can't take it any more, but she can't pull 
the damn thing out! The harder she tries, the more it seems to 
change it's shape and adapt to her, to fill her  exactly the way 
she needs to to drive her to WANT IT MORE AND MORE AND MORE WITHOUT 

She tries calling 911, but they don't believe her! So she decides 
to drive herself to the hospital. As she's headed down the road, 
she's moaning in pleasure and desire,  because the dildo keeps 

Because she's swerving all over the road, a motocycle cop pulls 
her over!!

The cop wants to know if she's been drinking, and she says, 
"Officer...I wasn't drinking! It's all because of the voodoo-dildo!"

And the cop says, "Voodoo dildo, my ass!"

P.P.S.  Here is our remaining seminar schedule for 1997:
July 25, 26, 27 Chicago, IL for you Mid-Western folks!
Sept(we're not sure of the exact date) Palo Alto, California
October 19-25, Hawai Speed Life Week Long Training