The Silly Idea All Guys Have That Prevents Them From Meeting Chicks. Forget About This Fantasy
And Start Picking Up Chicks!
You don't have any chicks. You want to pick up chicks. Why aren't you picking up chicks? I'll tell you,
plain and simple why you aren't. You are not aggressive enough with women. When I talk with guys who are down on their luck with women they
always seem to think that some girl is going to walk up to them and introduce themselves. Every guy wishes for this, only very few actually have
it happen to them. If you want to pick up chicks, the very first thing you're going to have to do is forget about this stupid notion. Your dream girl
(or in most cases any girl) is just NOT going to come up to you and claim she is desperately attracted to you. Think about it for a second and you
will realize why this is never going to happen. Men are not just expected to be the aggressor in this society they are the aggressors, the hunters
the providers! This isn't anti-feminist, it simply the truth about humans. True, women deserve equal pay and rights etc, but take a look around and
you realize it isn't the case. Without getting into a tirade about sex roles and feminism you simply have to accept the fact that in something as
primal as seduction, you as a male are going to have to take the initiative. I know you get scared shitless when approaching women, well guess
what? Women have exactly the same feelings about approaching men, and since they are not expected to be the aggressors they just plain and
simple ARE NOT GOING TO APPROACH YOU even if you look like Tom Cruise! So get this fantasy out of your head right now! I mean it,
forget about it! Done? Good, welcome to a whole new world...
Now that you've forgotten about that silly idea you can TAKE ACTION. The rest of the articles in this
site are going to give you the confidence necessary to approach women and get dates. You'll learn the fail-safe techniques to get women to want
to go out with you. You'll learn how to set yourself up psychologically for asking women out. You'll learn how to start a conversation and keep
it going. There is so much information on this site that it will take a while to read it all. Enjoy...