How To Pick Up Chicks
Make Yourself Approachable Through Body Language. More Chicks Will Talk To You If You Let Them Know By Using Your Body!

      Have you ever been in a room with friends you knew well and another friend came in with a friend no one else knew? We've all been in this situation. Everyone in the room mentally "sizes up" up the new person. Whether we like to admit it or not, we make judgements and try to predict what type of person they are. Are they friendly, mean, obnoxious, shy, etc. This is why people say first impressions are so important, in such a situation it is important to present yourself as an approachable, friendly person. This makes it easy to meet new people and prevents awkward silences that require difficult "ice breaking".

      You can become approachable and friendly by using body language and taking the initiative to meet these new people .The techniques of body language are as applicable in a small intimate setting like the one above, as in a large party where many people do not know each other. Study and apply these techniques and soon you will find yourself engaging in conversation with many people. While it's fun to make new friends, you will also be able to single out those you want to talk with. Ah-ha you say! What an excellent way to pick up chicks!

Technique #1: Open Posture
      In uncomfortable situations it is typical to keep to oneself. One way this manifests itself is through our posture. When we're uncomfortable often we'll cross our arms, touch our face or cross our legs while standing. Perhaps it makes us feel more secure. However, the impression this can give off is very negative. When we cross our arms we give off the impression that we're defensive, combative, displeased and not ready to talk to anyone. In order to become approachable it is important to adopt an open posture. When trying to pick up chicks, make sure that your arms are by your sides or in you lap and that you are not touching your face. Make sure to avoid crossing your arms and legs.

Technique #2: Smile
      Now that you've got your posture down and are no longer closing yourself off to others lets add a smile. Nothing welcomes a stranger more than a smile. If someone catches your eye and you show them a smile they will think "Hey, here is someone who isn't going to rip me to shreds if I go up and approach him." A smile shows strangers that you want to be friendly. Nothing is more attractive on a man or woman than a smile. So don't forget to smile, soon it will come naturally!

Technique #3: Sit Tall
      When you're talking to someone sit up and keep straight. This shows that you're interested in what they're saying. If you're sitting back and slouching it shows that you're not giving the person your full attention and that you are getting bored with what they're saying. It may be more comfortable and you may be tired, but you're telling the person that what they're saying is not important enough to require your full attention. It is a major turn off and people may think you're arrogant.

Technique #4: Shake Hands
      Don't wait for others to shake hands and introduce themselves, take the initiative. It is important to take the initiative, because if you don't the other person may be shy and then you run the risk of not being introduced. Then you become reluctant to start talking with the person and you can end up sitting in awkward silence. By shaking hands and introducing yourself with something like "Hi, I'm John Smith. It's nice to meet you." You are making a connection with the person and making yourself approachable. The handshake is a non-aggressive way for men to "connect" with women.

Technique #5: Eye Contact
      Girls love to look into a guys eyes, so be sure to let them! (They think the eyes are a gateway into the soul or some mumbo jumbo like that.). Maintaining eye contact when talking shows that you're interested and paying attention to what they're saying. Nothing is more attractive to a woman. DO NOT stare at their body or breasts no matter what when they are talking. Also, when making eye contact with a stranger across the room, make sure not to stare at them. Give them a look that acknowledges them long enough to make a connection and then go back to what you were doing. Don't just immediately look away once they look at you. This is instinctive, so it takes a while to overcome. Practice makes perfect! A cool rule is the "45 second rule" Once you make eye contact with a girl, if she looks back at you after 45 seconds you've got their interest. Go up and introduce yourself. If you don't maintain eye contact with a girl while dancing or talking you will find her excusing herself after a while.

      So there you have it. Five ways to make yourself approachable. Let's put it all together. You're at a gathering of friends. Make sure to use an OPEN POSTURE and SMILE. When given the first opportunity SHAKE HANDS and introduce yourself giving you name. (Make sure to remember *their* name). When you sit down be sure to SIT STRAIGHT UP and be attentive. Finally, when talking be sure to MAINTAIN EYE CONTACT to show that you're interested in what the other person is saying. Follow these five rules and you should have no trouble finding girls to talk with and they'll think you're a genuinely attractive guy.

 Copyright 1998