How To Pick Up Chicks
At a Loss For Words After You've Introduced Yourself To That Hottie? Learn The Art Of Conversation And You'll Know The Secrets To Chatting Up A Storm!!

      You've left all your insecurities and hang-ups at the door, mustered up all your courage and approached that cute little thing standing all by herself on the other side of the room. You've given her your best smile, introduced yourself and to your delight she perks up and gives you a warm friendly hello! Okay, now what...

      This is a common dilemma. Starting a conversation with a stranger can seem extremely difficult and awkward if you haven't had much practice. Never fear, if you've gotten a friendly response from the person you can say practically anything to get the ball rolling. If you're lucky the girl may be good at conversation and guide it along. However, don't count on this. Often girls are just as much at a loss of words as you are. Well not anymore, there are some common ways to get a good conversation going and to keep it going. Remember, practice makes perfect, with these techniques you should be chatting up a storm with all sorts of beautiful women in no time at all.

      One of the best ways to open a conversation is with a compliment. Us guys hardly ever get compliments, can you remember the last time you got a compliment? Most of us can probably count the number of times we've been given a compliment on our right hand. Well how did you feel when you got a compliment? Great, right?! Well you're going to make a girl feel great when you pay her a compliment. Nothing bad can happen. Now for maximum effect you're going to have to give your compliment a little a thought. You should decide on your compliment before you approach her. Firstly, nothing about her breasts or anything crude like that, that should be a given. Now what is the first thing you notice about the girl? Okay, now DON'T compliment her on that. What?! That's right, don't compliment a girl on her most noticeable feature. A girl may have the most intriguing eyes you've ever seen, but guess how many times she's heard that? Probably a million. Of course if you can't think of anything else, complementing her on that is better than nothing. The best thing to compliment is something the girl has control over. Complement her on her outfit, hair or something special that you notice.

      Now, no matter what, a complement will win you points. However a lot of girls may not know how to handle a compliment. It's a hard thing to do without sounding egotistic. In most cases you'll get a nice thank you, maybe a little laughter, it's possible she may not say anything if she's not used to handling compliments, no biggie. But now you have a dilemma, after you pay a compliment, the conversation can screech to halt. Now what? That's why you should give the compliment and follow it with a question such as "What a pretty sweater you're wearing. Did you get it here in town?" for example.

      So you've broken the ice by introducing yourself and paying a compliment. Now it's time to get the ball rolling. Now if you haven't gotten her name yet be sure to get it. And most importantly REMEMBER it. If you forget her name be sure to ask again as soon as possible. The best way to remember her name is to repeat it to yourself three times. Then use her name every once in a while in the conversation where appropriate. When people hear their name it makes them feel special and they appreciate it.

      In the beginning of the conversation you should just ask the ritual questions Where they work, what they're studying, until you hit upon something you can expand upon. It can seem kind of dull if you just throw question after question at someone so it's good to prelude you're questions with some padding such as "You seem like a people person, I'd bet you're majoring in psychology or some type of humanities." It's a question, but it's not phrased as a question and its not phrased in a dull way such as "What is your major?" It's a small touch, but it makes you come across as an interesting, insightful conversationalist.

      Now you're bouncing questions back and forth, chit-chatting away, still testing the water. You don't want to seem like an interviewer, because a conversation with just questions gets tiresome and lacks depth. You need to ask questions that you know will bring a response. Dig into the person's responses and look for subjects to ask questions about later. Simply concentrate and on what the person is saying and the questions will come naturally.

      The key to bringing a conversation to a deeper level is the OPEN-ENDED QUESTION. This is a question that can't be answered in one or two words. The responses require more time and thought. This is a great technique and leads to more involvement and starts a "real" conversation where you get to really know the person. The open ended question usually uses words such as "how, why, in what way." An example of an open ended question would be "Julie, what made you decide to start studying poetry, anyway?" Now she has a chance to tell you her life story. It may end up taking 5 minutes for her just to tell you how she got into poetry and along the way you'll learn all about her likes, dislikes and thoughts on the world. Psychologists call this type of information "free information" it is information about oneself that we give up voluntarily. It provides excellent material for furthering the conversation. Be sure to offer some information about yourself and your own thoughts and feelings when responding so the conversation does not seem one sided. Now, the interesting thing is that sometimes people will give up information to a stranger that they wouldn't tell their closest friend. In this situation the best thing to do is just give them an open ear and show that you understand them. You may be tempted to give advice or try to solve her problems, but don't unless asked to. In such a situation girls just want someone to listen to them so they can get it off their chest and they'll appreciate you for it.

 Copyright 1998