How To Pick Up Chicks
Stay Aware And Informed And Don't Let That Chick Get Away!! Info On What To Read And What To Know In Order To Maintain A Conversation With A Chick You Have Nothing In Common With!

      It's taken a lot of work to start talking to those first couple of girls you've been interested in. Starting a conversation with someone you're interested in is difficult, but you've come a long way baby! Now if you want to be able to keep a conversation going, even when you come to those awkward silences when it just seems like no one had anything to say, read on! There are some techniques that will allow you to keep a conversation going that you can also use to strike up a conversation with someone you don't know or don't have anything in common with.

1. Utilize Your Immediate Surroundings
      Keeping the conversation rolling is often as easy as talking about where you are. You can talk to the person about the room or location (city, mall, campus etc.). What's unique about the place? Is there any historical significance? Has anything recently been added or repaired? etc. If you're at a party the easiest way to keep the conversation going is to ask how the other person knows the host. By keeping the focus on your surroundings you're doing what is called looking "outward". Rather than talking about yourself, you are talking about those around you and the events taking place. You'll find dozens of things to talk about with the person you're talking to.

2.Always Be on the Lookout for Special Interests
      When talking with someone always be listening for something that the person is interested in and seems excited about. It could be the person's work, hobbies, a sport, charity, or organization they're involved with. If you can find a special interest you will have no problem keeping the conversation going. The other person does all the work. Whether you know anything about the subject matter or not, you can always extend the conversation with it. Say the person is extremely interested in Dadaism. You just need to say "Dadaism? I've never known much about it. Could you tell me something about it? Why are you so interested in it?" and you're off! Now maybe you've been talking a bit and you still haven't found out any of the other person's special interests. All you need to do is ask a few leading open-ended questions such as "When you're not working as a medical secretary, what's your favorite form of recreation?" or "If you could do anything in the world right now, what would it be?" and you'll find out their special interest. This is probably the best way to get the conversation rolling.

3. Read Papers and Watch TV
      Always stay up on the latest news and events. This allows you to talk about common knowledge with other strangers. It's always good to have enough facts to carry on a semi-intelligent conversation about any major current event. When talking about current events you can ask other people their opinion and feelings about it. This is an excellent way to get to know the other person's personality and nature. A good idea would be to read the front page of the newspaper every day so that you can have a good overview of all the major current events. TV is okay if you're in a rush, but you'll only get brief coverage of the events and may not have enough facts to contribute a lot to the conversation.

4. Stay Up with Pop Culture
      What this basically means is that if there is any major movie or book that everyone is seeing, you should go see it or read it too. Okay, I can understand a lot of guys don't want to go see Titanic unless it's with a chick, but don't get left out of the dark. Inevitably, in any conversation you're going to be asked at some point whether you saw the latest blockbuster or read the latest bestseller. This is an excellent opportunity to show the ladies that you're hip and have a decent social life (even if you don't). Plus it gives you something to talk about. In terms of books, right now probably the best book you could read right now is The Zone. It's perfect because it is such a hot book that most women have heard about it, but may not have read it. Since it's about weight loss and women are always talking about how they want to lose weight you can offer the insightful tips and theories from The Zone. It makes you appear smart, just be sure to complement women while talking about it by saying things like "Of course you don't really need to read it since you've already got such a nice body." You'll definitely impress her.

 Copyright 1998