How To Pick Up Chicks
Learn The Best Way To Get A Date. Don't Set Yourself Up For Rejection. Learn How To Get A Date With Chick Easily And Informally.

      Now that you've learned how to approach and introduce yourself to women, it's time to learn how to ask her out. If everything is going well you can phrase the question practically anyway and chances are she will say yes if she totally wants you. Of course a lot of times if you just met a girl she is not too sure about you and so the way you phrase the question can influence your results.

      Firstly, the straight up approach is not that great. Asking a girl out by saying "Would you like to go out with me?" has a number of drawbacks. Mainly:

1)You are making it easy for her to say no, which she will if she is not completely comfortable around you yet. Plus, when she says no, you don't know whether she meant "No, I don't want to date you." or "No, I have plans already for that night."

2) It's not assertive enough. You make it sound as if you are asking for a favor from her. Remember... You are doing HER the favor!

3) It's too straight forward. Going out on date is a lot of pressure for a girl, by making it seem so formal she may freak and be more likely to say no because it puts so much pressure on her.

4) It's sounds awkward, like you two were in junior high

      A better way to ask for a date is to say "Let's get together and do something sometime". You can tell from her response whether to pursue the matter further. If she seems receptive, you have two options. You can then proceed to make definite plans telling her where you'd like to go (here is a list of great date ideas) and giving her a date and time. Or you can leave it open for next time you meet. By being elusive you'll be "teasing" her and she'll be anticipating your offer which will definitely work in your favor. Of course, if you're in a situation where you don't know when you'll meet her again (such as at a party) you should definitely try to set up the date then and there... let her know that you're serious and don't let the opportunity slip away! If she doesn't respond enthusiastically to your offer (you can tell from her facial expression and her tone) don't pursue the matter further. That's what makes this phrase so great. You're not setting yourself up for a straight up rejection. You're simply making a casual offer. There is no pressure on her. You're simply stating that you like her and would like to get to know her better. It shows that you're a fun guy who likes to spend time with people and do fun things. Memorize this phrase! "Let's get together and something sometime" It's money in the bank!

 Copyright 1998