wombn wrote: > At my last job, several people recently (well, this spring anyway) > mentioned that they thought I was the calmest, most poised, and friendliest > person in my department!!!!! > > My department knew, OTOH, that calm exterior was actually an indication of > complete panic.... > > People have called me everything: stubborn, a pushover, opinionated, > inflexible, too willing to compromise too much, too-giving, selfish, > poised, calm as the sea, too emotional, too angry, too sensitive, too > quiet, too talkative, secretive, wear my emotions on my sleeve, hard to get > to know, tell too much about my personal life, uncaring, too ready to help > everyone else, too dependent, too independent.... > > sheesh.
A pretty typical misguided description of the shy woman who is vastly intelligent (with a large capacity for critical, analytical thinking and intuitive extrapolative abilities), compassionate, deep, compelling yet mysterious, and just too damn much for most people to figure out. I've suffered these same contradictory labels most of my life and along with Mike (Benedict) in his post "uplifting thought for the day" I think people are labeling with negatives that which is positive about us but just too darn hard for the average Joe or Joan to comprehend!
"that which does not kill me makes me stronger"
(strains of Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" in the background)
jenny.hill@mail.utexas.edu Warning: Unsolicited commercial email delivered to this address is subject to a $500 charge. Emailing such items, whether automatically or manually, constitutes acceptance of and agreement to this charge.