The 90 Day Powerseller Challenge
The 90 Day Powerseller Challenge

Edit this page however you wish. Thank your customer etc etc. I have left the adsense code at the bottom of the page as it converts well. Just change pub-xxx in code view to your adsense code.

Delete all red text.

Here is Your Download Link.

Download The 90 Day PowerSeller Challenge 2.0 Here
The above link should go to your branded eBook.

Don't Trust The eBay Gurus!
Up-Sell 1. Edit if you wish. Or get affiliate link from.

Find out how planetsms earned $50,000 from a single eBook.
Up-Sell 2. Edit if you wish. Or get affiliate link from above link.

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NOTE: You will need a zip program to open this file.
AdSense code is below here. Remember to
change pub-xxx in code view to your adsense code.